Friday, December 29, 2006

Time flies when you are having fun...

Hi, ya'll - WOW so hard to remember to post when you are having so much fun! I've been home for a while now and am LOVING IT! I still have over a week left, well, just about a week then back for semester two! Oh yes, I got my grades and got a satisfactory progress in everything! that felt so good and I really feel like I will be out of Dominica in 3 more semesters for sure now!!!

Again, sorry about not posting but being home totally took me away from it and there is too much activity to talk about! I'll be heading back on January 6th (actually arriving the 7th at around 4:30pm). Then off to a quick registration and back to my apartment to get ready for classes the next day. I already know of alot of new students who have headed down so if you have any questions just message me on facebook, email or instant message me! Just remember - RUH student lounge equals FREE A/C! :-P Hahaha. That got me through the first few days and my mom!

Break is going well. I feel bad that I have not been able to see everyone in the time that I have and I really should be spending more time at home. Hopefully, things will workout this next week because it is so easy to feel like I am disappointing people by missing them. But at least from now on I should be back every 8 weeks or so (yes this semester I WILL be doing that). I wish they would send me my schedule so I can book my flight but I might have to wait until registration. Sigh.

Well, I'm off to go hang with everyone. This weekend is going to be so great! But I will definately be posting again to give you the highlights of my break!!!

Have a safe flight for those flying down and I'll see you soon.

Love, Jess

Friday, December 15, 2006

I'm Leeeaaaaavin' on a Jet Plane!!!!

I feel like it is Christmas Day! Well, not yet but it's here! My last day on the island until my semester break!!! What a ride this has been - but a REALLY good one. Today's plan? I'm glancing over a couple things then I am heading to the gym and hopefully going to time it out to where I have just enough time to workout, eat, chill for a few mins and take the exam! After that? Stop at Picard pick up a bottle or two of wine then head back to the apartment to shower/get pretty and finish packing. We are going to Cabritz tonight. Nothing special but just to get out of the apartment! Then Max (my taxi driver) will be picking me up at 4am!

Then plane ride after plane ride till I hit good 'ole Michigan!!! Be landing in Detroit at 11:20pm then heading off to Big Als with some family/friends (late bar night but hey it's going to be GREAT!) so if you have nothing to do I should be at Big Als by around midnight!

I'm at a point where I just know I did what I could and hope that all my brain is working well today... No matter how it goes I am going to be so excited to get back but to do well on this would be AAAAmazing. I know a few people on my flight so hopefully that will make it more bearable!

Back to the land of no mosquitos or fruit flies all over my bed. No more rats running around or dead dogs in a box on the side of the road. Hahaha. But then again no more cute geckos on my wall... :) Ooooh fast food, shopping, snow!!!!! These three weeks are going to be fantastic! I have some awesome stuff planned and also NOTHING planned lol.

Soooooo, just have to get through this exam at 1pm. I am just about as ready as I can get myself. So I better finish this up and get to my workout!!! I'll definately write again before taking off for break!!!

Wish me luck and keep me in your prayers if you do that! Love you!

Loooong, deeeep breath...

Love, Jess

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Final exam tomorrow!

Nervous nervous about tomorrow... I really don't have much else I want to do... I guess talking some things out/practice questions but I am looking around seeing everyone else studying like crazy and can't help to think WHAT ARE YOU STUDYING!?!?! I can't take anymore studying. I dont' understand everyone studying 4 months of material like mad a day before the final. It's kinda irritating to see. Whatever. I will just keep looking at some biochem then just do practice stuff the rest of the day.

Since I am not sleeping tomorrow night at least I know I will be leaving tomorrow (be it in the wee hours of the morning but still). Mostly I am trying to avoid the cleaning ladies again today then I am heading back to the apartment and going to watch some tv or something.

Tomorrow I am going to try to force myself to sleep till ike 9am then I am going to workout, workout, workout!!!! I gotta get that edge off. BY then I am hoping it is like almost 11ish and I can eat and get ready for my exam at 1pm. Ugh, I am just so edgy now I can't stand it.

I just can't wait till tomorrow at 4pm when I will have my bed filled with food, vino, and painting my nails pretty pink and where my biggest problem of the day is if I smudge the paint :-o!) Not much longer. I know some of the breakdown in biochemistry of who is making the questions so I am trying to hit the highlights of what they said... I should probably work on other subjects... Okay, enough rambling - back to it!!!


Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Can't believe I have to wait more more day... ahhh!!!

Yikes, yet another day where I am barely able to study. I started off after mini three well but lately it's just not happening. I got a good amount done today but it is odd not studying hardcore. Oh well.

The power went out and it got pretty hot so that didn't make me want to study either. Ah well. I am hoping others are like me. It is nearly impossible to go over everything again - but then again - you aren't suppose to forget things after you take each mini so really I know this stuff is in my head but it just depends how hard these professors are going to question us.

Sigh... Just doing some anatomy and biochem right now... Not sure what else I can look at... I guess a little histology too - lol, it could never end!

One more day then no matter how much I know it will be over and that is a relief to me. I am sure that this test will be pretty specific because it is hard to test general concepts without being too easy. I don't know why but because my mind has been so uncooperative these past couple days I almost feel doomed like karma will not have me do well because I haven't been 24/7 dedicated. Ugh, I'm hoping that isn't true.

I just hope God is on my side Friday because I know how hard I have worked this semester and I KNOW the knowledge is all there but you just never know how hard they will make these exams... Tomorrow, I am guessing is all biochem and review with questions. I am also worried I might have spent too much time on biochem but it is worth the most so I guess that is okay.

Anyway, hopefully this is my last boring post because this time tomorrow I am going to be done studying for good and working on finishing up my packing n' all.

Alright, I better go and try to keep going.

Love ya'll!

One more long day...

Yay, it is Wednesday! I think I, like alot of people, just want to take this exam and be done. My brain is tired and wants some rest so I am hopefully finishing up studying today and doing light stuff tomorrow.

So, yeah heading to campus in like an hour and going to stay until I feel like I could take the test tomorrow and be fine with it. Plus, today I have to exchange my money back to US and pick up my visa papers. Tomorrow is all about finishing packing and getting myself ready :D! Friday I am going to sleep for a bit, workout, eat and go straight to the exam - after that welp cya later (hehe). Then I am staying up till the cab comes and gets me!

Sigh... Only a couple more days, but it feels like years... Alright time to get ready for the day!

I'll write again later today


Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Time to start wrapping it up...

Is it over yet??? Ugh, mother-time is playing a cruel game with me, hehe. Today is going to be as much histo and genetics and as I can handle... I can feel this ending soon. I wanted to be done studying tomorrow so we will see. I may have to go to Thursday but that day will be light. I am still so happy about my scores. I can't imagine how much I would be freaking out right now if it went poorly. I would be in such a panic.

So getting in at 11:20pm and going straight to Big Als! So if anyone needs to find me late on Saturday night that is where I'll be!!! :-D Woohoo!!! I'm getting hmm... a long island? A shot? Hmm... lol... Okay, no time to think about that now. But boy, am I going to be soooo antsy on the plane!

I really hope I can sleep on the way home. I am going to be too scared to go to bed Friday so I will be up all night till Max (my driver) picks me up at 4am.

Well... I am going to get scootin'... going to try to get some work done btu I will probably write again later today!


Monday, December 11, 2006

4 days from tomorrow morning!

Stillllll studying... my poor bed has a groove for me from studying on it so much! Still waiting on grades too. Not sure if I will ge tthem back today or not because our grievance rep is still talking to professors. I could just calculate it myself with the key we were given but that is too scary to me. I was going to workout today but I'm not feelin' it too much lol. I like to workout especially to de-stress - but I am so not stressed! I will try to workout one time this week and definately will before the final so whatever :P! It's almost too the fact that I just don't want to be on campus. Everyone is worked up into such a frenzy I don't want to be around that

But today, I am getting my visa papers, pick up any mail and food too then back to the apartment to study all day and all night! Things are moving along well and it seem like I will probably hit all I need to for the final that I was hoping for. At least all this studying is making the days FLY BY! I honestly don't think that I will sleep alot at home because any sleeping in will make time seem like vacation is going by that much faster...

Speaking of which, I'm looking outside my window right now and while it is raining it looks like snow! It's falling really slow - yet another thing getting me all amped! Ahhh, and also just confirmed my flight - I get in at 11:20pm NOT 11:30pm, hahaha - woohoo!

Well, I left this blog for a while and its around 2pm and I have gotten my grades back. I actually looked this time (thanks SAna for helping me haha). Wow, hard work really does pay off! I managed to pull of 3 As!!! I can't believe it!!! Okay, well on the 3rd A I was off by a point, but whatever. Physiology, biochemistry and histology! DPS and anatomy I kinda had to weigh out because this mini was worth so much more in those 3 subjects but wow. Not only that but I really am improving in biochemistry. I tanked the first test... Ugh, still trying to forget that but then on the second one I really improved (over 20pts.) but this time - this time I did really well. How well? 100%!!!!!!!!!!! My first 100% in medical school and I think EVER on a test haha. It was only 10 questions on that part but I really needed it! I'm so happy!

So now I am EVEN MORE motivated if that is possible! :D I just really REALLY tried for this one and am so happy it paid off. There have been times when I worked so hard and it still didnt' pay off as much as I had hoped but I had someone looking over me on this one!

So, back the books for me with a big smile on my face. We won't know our final scores until a week after I get home so I am going to be in the greatest of moods when I get back having these last scores in my head. What a way to finish off first semester!

I'll write again soon! 4 days from tomorrow morning!!!!!!!

Jessica Lynn

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Too excited to study!!!!!!!

Woooooopie! 5 days to go and I am packed and sitting at the door! Today, well I am going to be studying till late, but has overall I think been a productive day. I still want to get alot more done. There is so much to go over I am starting to get so bored with a subject I have to keep switching. But the excitement is building!!! Sharla and I have been talking about our Christmas party and I am fReAkiNg out! I am so pumped to see everyone for the holidays I can barely concentrate at all!

Well grades should be back tomorrow and a little anxious to see them. I'm hoping it went good so we will see. If it went well, even more stress will be lifted for Friday. That would be amazing... Ah well. But yeah all my suitcases are just about ready to go, my carry-on, and all my paperwork (passport, plane tickets, etc) so I am so ready to go. It still feels like years till I will get back - weird!!! Because as my sister has pointed out its around 160 hours left (hahaha love ya!).

So I guess bowling might be out for Sunday but Big Als/Malarkeys might be in so who's coming??? Hehe.

This whole week will be studying but I still have to get my visa papers from the registrar tomorrow, exchange my money for US currency, and then - work on my appearance :D... Since I will be off dirt roads and muddy trails for a few weeks I might as well put on a fresh coat of nailpolish and what not! YAY!

Ugh, if I can just study for another 72 hours or so... just a little longer brain - come on!!! Don't putter out on me NOW!

LOL, oooh... wait... yup I think it is starting to cooperate. I better go!!!!

Love love love,

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Brand new day!

Yay, my brain is happy again. I got up around 6:15-6:30ish and feel much more fresh. I think my mind just needed a rest. I really did study hardcore the day after the mini - so probably an overload... Anyway, it's Saturday and you know what that means!!! ONE WEEK! (I don't think this blog could hold the amount of exclaimation points I wanted to put after that last statement!) At this time next week I will be sitting at Melville Hall (the airport here) waiting for my flight (8:55am).

Oh and just to let you know for next week fam/friends, here is my flight schedule (approx.):

4am: Picked up from my apartment to head to the airport
8:55am: Flight from Dominica to Antigua
5:30pm (eww): Flight from Antigua to North Carolina (omg the United States, haha!)
9:30pm: Flight from North Carolina to Detroit!

Doesn't seem like it should take 2 hours to fly the last stretch because I think it gets in at 11:30pm, but maybe it will get there early :-P! So that is the plan. I am starting to realize how much I have to really pack for home and decide what books to bring, what to leave, when to plan out time to pack, etc. And I still have to study! Yikes! All soooooooooo exciting though.

Okay, so yeah just waiting for Ms. Sana to wake up so we can go to campus. Going to probably stay until it gets dark out. I hope today is really productive. I'm sure it will be. I think this weekend I want to get through alot more biochem, DPS, and histolgy/embryology. Again, it is almost like you have to pick what you want to do well in. I hate doing that because any cushion I have in classes I don't want to just blow off. Like anatomy, DPS, histology are all going fairly well - I don't want to blow that...

Hmm... we'll see what the day brings! I started to buy snacks for the plane! LOL. I can't believe how excited I am. Everyone is talking about walking into a supermarket and being dumbfounded by all the choices. Heck, I haven't even driven in 4 months!!! So strange.

I was telling my mom this but I have had such bad thoughts about this 3 weeks just being built up too much. What if it just flies by and I feel like I am coming back days later? What if ya'll have to work and can't hang out much? Sigh... I'm too much of a worrybug! It will be the greatest time.

Time to hit the books. Less than a week till this test is over and I can hopefully call myself no longer an MS1 but an MS1.5!!!!!


Friday, December 08, 2006

Just about time to turn off the brain and turn on the liver...

Wow, my brain is b-e-a-t! Today I just can't seem to get as much done as I wanted. Oh well, I guess I will just get as much as I can get done today and start again in the morning...

Tomorrow I will be on campus all day then back to watch a movie at night. Ah well. So tonight was interesting... Sana was talking to me outside of my room swingin her flash drive around and for some odd reason she THROWS it off the balcony! LOL. Right into a locked up storage area for James (our landord) that was gated in. Who but I would go downstairs hop over a wall to get it for her. As dumb as it may seem that made our night. That is how exciting our time gets here... So so sad, hahaha. Boy was the hop back over the wall hard! :-P So random - so Sana don't do that again!!!

Hahaha. I just keep thinking this time next week, I will be (while slightly intoxicated) ALL DONE WITH FIRST SEMESTER!

Alright, well I am waiting for my garlic chicken to be delivered so I am going to try and recharge!

Love ya'll!


Thursday, December 07, 2006

Guess I need to wait till I get home to party hardy...

Well I went out last night finally!!! Okay... for like 90 minutes. It was fun though. A bunch of us were just sitting on the pier of the Caribbean Sea talking and having a few drinks. I had a few sangrias but after a while everyone just got up and left. Some people wanted to sleep, some wanted to start studying. It made me think more of how excited I am to come home because we know how to have a good time!!! Hahaha.

Ah well, so last night I had my hole-punching party. Basically organizing 16 weeks of information so I can study it over the next 8 days. So much stuff. I really just have any handouts given in class in binders but ALL of the information is mainly in my computer: lectures, practice questions, etc. So now, I am studying biochemistry all day and on week 3 right now. Moving along! But I still have to organize as I go. I feel like I should be studying on campus (sorry Sana) but I am so comfortable at home! We'll see how productive I am today but am definitely going to be working out on campus still...

The cleaning ladies are coming today - ugh. One of them is so strange she will stand and like stare at me sometimes. Don't know if they are expecting money but every week - EVERY week I say don't clean my room, I can do it. But I come home and they do anyway. Sigh, oh well. Today I put a sign on my door "Studying - no need to clean my room but thank-you :)" . So hopefully that works.

Maybe on my breaks I will make my packing list! Mom do you want to help? :D Yay! OH! And I guess next Sunday is bowling so who wants to come? Anna, anna.... I know you are in! Hahaha. Unless there is something else you guys want to do. But I get in Saturday night at like 11:30pm and don't want to wait until the next weekend to hang out with people!!!

So excited that my mom has the day off work today (yay!). I always look forward to Thursdays because she is home all day and we chat most of it! So great. Maybe that is why I don't want to go to campus - haha.

I am not too worried about the final to be honest. It won't be as specific as the minis, just basic concepts so I think it will go well. I never took a mini and just - forgot - the information. I still have it in my head (haha for the most part - hey it was alot of material!!!) So that relaxes me a little. Still anxious about my mini #3 scores. Physiology was worth so much so I hope I managed to pass it. Sigh...

Well, I guess back to biochemistry - see how far I can get today... Maybe I will write later :-P

LOVE YA'LL! 9 days!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, December 06, 2006


It's official, one exam left and home the next day!!! I am sooooooooooooo happy and yes, as my last blog said - BEAMING!

I think this mini went well. Biochem - well I got that confidence boost! That seemed to go awesome! I am hoping everything else went well too - we shall see. Who knows about anatomy but it wasn't worth much and I think I may have a little cushon so it's alright... no more specutation - I'm happy for now so I will leave it like that!

You guys, I'm coming home next Saturday!!! NINE DAYS FROM TOMORROW!!! I'm so happy I could cry! Now I am just watching an episode of ER and having a Kubuli (Dominican beer). Ooooh yeah. Then I may do some organizing and hopefully going to hit up some of the sangria!

Welp, time to relax - catch ya soon! :D


Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Someone is going to be beaming tomorrow!!!

It's just about here - mini #3 and I find myself excited! I am finishing up studying and pretty relaxed about tomorrow. I have my exam at 8am and after that I know I am going to be so unbelievably excited! Granted I still have my final but that is on the day before I come home :D!!!! So after tomorrow I have a whole 10 days to get ready for that and pack!

I think 10 days is way plenty for that exam but I am also really excited because tomorrow I am going to Roseau to do some shopping with Sana! It's an hour away or so (which is hard to cut that much time out of your day) but I am planning on taking tomorrow off anyway to relax! I may even be possibly having some sangria (Trent, how 'bout it?), haha. Tomorrow I think is going to be a good day. Now, I am just finishing up reviewing some little subjects and then I will be going back to physiology for the rest of the day, doing practice questions and such.

I can't stop thinking about home and hanging out with everyone next weekend (NEXT WEEKEND!). Someone best be hanging out with me Sunday (bowling???). Anyone that is up for doing something that day let me know! Otherwise I might be baking :-P...

Okay, okay... Back to studying...


Monday, December 04, 2006

Mini #3 comin' right up...

Sitting here in classroom 4 studying... and boy do I feel tired today! I am not sure why. I worked out, I had some good food... Hmm... maybe once I get home, shower and get more comfortable I'll wake up a bit. Tonight will be my "long night" I guess. My mini is 8am Wednesday morning so I don't want to be up super late tomorrow night.

Things are still going pretty well. I have a ton still to do but it is all planned out so I am not too worried about it. Most people are studying physio because it is a huge chunk of our grade - 45%. Yikes. Yeah, I definately think another coffee is in order.


Welp scratch that... back in the apartment! We were SUPPOSE to have a study room but SOMEBODY made the reservation for the wrong day... Just kidding Sana, I love you!!! Hahaha, so I am just relaxing for a few then back to the books.


Saturday, December 02, 2006

Sooooo close!!!

Good evening! Well another day just about done. Got a good amount done today with physio and still going. I am just lightly studying the rest of the night... I started the night with some pop/popcorn to watch Elf now I am having a Heine watching Cocktail, haha. Ah well. So - tomorrow is December 3rd. Wow. That makes me happy!

Tomorrow, is still up in the air. Don't know where I want to study or if I even feel like working out at all. Blah...

I guess I should start figuring out packing and what books I what to bring home! It's getting so close but I won't have time to pack all in one night so I'm going to be spacing it out over the next week or so - how fun is that!!!

Well, nothing much to my days now besides studying... So, consider me boring :D!!!! Don't worry, things will spice up when I am back in the T!

So rest up Ttown - I'm comin' home!!!

Friday, December 01, 2006


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY IT IS DECEMBER!!!! I just finished my histology lab exam - not bad at all - I'm sure I did quite well. Now time for mini #3 and the final. Again, studying for mini 3 is like studying for the final - the better I study for this the less time I have to spend on it for the final. The mini is on Wednesday then I have about 10 days to study for the final. That is definately enough time, I believe.

I am working on physio now and will be probably most of the weekend. I have an appointment with the professor at 3pm so hopefully I can learn something there (cause I never really go to office hours)... Ah well we will see!

Also, I wanted to give a shout out to my dad - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!
I am going to try to email Becky a letter to you to read! Don't think I forgot about your special day! I love you and I hope you have a great day - relax!!!! :D

Well, I better get to studying... Maybe I will write again later today!

Love you!


Thursday, November 30, 2006

Dominica - VaCaTiOn?! Whaaaa...

Here I am with one exam down and three to go.

And what do I hear BEEEEEEEP BEEEEEEEEP!!! What could this rustling noise be??? A giant cruise ship leaving Dominica's port. I saw it earlier today during the day but am looking at it now at night all lit up. Such a sight. Sounds like nothing really that exciting but it makes you wonder what the people are doing on the ship here. Are they on family vacations? Honeymoons? Kinda funny because all I wanted to do was run down to the shore and swim to it to take me back home. I wonder what they thought of the island. Did they even know they were next to a medical school? Hahaha, they probably didn't care if they were on vacation. But let me tell you, there were some students here drooling over seeing that ship. We all wanted to jump right on it! It's just about past my window out of site to head either to another island or back to the states. I don't know why seeing that ship makes me think so much. I remember our senior spring break in high school - wow was that cruise fun. But I never once thought about the culture that I was stepping into - psh - I was on vacation!

Well, there it goes... Sigh, that is almost as neat as hearing a plane go over the island - talk about excitement! Who is the lucky people leaving? Is it newbies coming to Ross? Ah well. My turn in 2 weeks right?

So, today went pretty well. I had my anatomy lab exam today at 1pm. It wasn't so bad but the bodies are just about to be cremated and given back to the families and these bodies are in BAD shape. Our professor even covered most of the body so all we could see was the small area to identify! Talk about ruining our orientation of the body. Oh well. Next up - histology lab exam tomorrow at 9am. Working on that now and will probably be up late but that's alright. Then I have the weekend, granted all studying, but it will be relaxing none-the-less.

I better get back to the books but I will write again tomorrow.

Hugs and Kisses! XOXO
Jessica Lynn

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Last stretch of first semester begins tomorrow...

Listen America! Tomorrow it begins (Ma, I thought you'd like that ;))!

1pm is my last anatomy lab exam and I am just about ready. I am feeling pretty confident about it. I am definately going to work out before, take the exam, then head back home to work on my last histology lab exam which is Friday at 9am.

After that - and before I know it - it will be December and 2 exams away from home. I get nauseous thinking about those tests. But I have a feeling mini #3 will go well! The final - well it is a final - so everyone is a little freaked but hey - 12 hours after that exam I am on my way to the airport!!!!!!!!!!!!

Soooo, here we go. I am REALLY looking forward to working out tomorrow - I have been stressed the past couple days but kinda beat to want to workout - guess I should have. Oh well! Ugh I want to type so much more but I know I have to keep chugging alot - I got momentum!

Love you all! I'll post again real soon!!!!


Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Quick vent...

Yikes, okay quick venting then back to the books. I am in the library now studying but what a morning! Nothing seemed to go right but it was mostly mental - I worked myself up into the biggest frenzy, haha. Oh well, I am getting over it. Sana and I had our own little spot with our cubicles but now people are invading our place and moving in - of course because there are a million other spots they have to sit by us. This one guy just saat next to me and is making enough noise for everyone to hear. It is like he wants to sound important and busy by thrashing his stupid pens and papers around. Whatever.

Soooo, I am in the library for the day and will probably be here most of it. I want to get through pulmonary again and go over a little biochem again (will be going over that alot because I am so worried about it) and then Sana, Jackie and me are going to go over some anatomy for a bit. Then I will be going over todays lectures but they aren't much. (This guy is insane - he is getting up walking to a new friend, comes back sits down - OH WAIT - new friend, has to get up say hi - sigh...) Anyway, alright I guess today will be a busy one - just trying to keep all the information from leaving my head!

I have 2 days of classes but to me class is over. There's just a few easy lectures left and I just watch them anyway so yeah...

OKAY - back to studying, maybe I'll put on a Christmas tune :)

Love, Jess

Monday, November 27, 2006

Last week of classes is underway...

It's so wierd hearing professors finish off their lectures - one in particular "see you in semester two". Yikes, no pressure. Today has been pretty productive - anatomy lab exam in coming up quick! Here we go!

I am really not too concerned about the exams - I think I will be ready - just that stupid biochemisty. I found out what I should be around to average to be in the clear for the semester. Even though, I think everything will be just fine - knowing what I need to get is nerveracking! It's completely do-able but still!!! It's nice knowing if I can just get this off my mind and done well - the rest should be alright too!

I am getting so excited to come home!!! 2 weeks from Saturday!!! Oh, I have soooo much I want to do. Dumb, simple things like baking, playing in the snow, singing songs around the house :)!

I have a rather large grasshopper (I think it is) living with me in my room. I named him Kermit. Hopefully he won't abandon me like Herman did (my rat). Kermit is so cute he is up on my window sill all day and night watching out for trouble!!! :-P

Well tonight I guess I will do some more physio and anatomy. I already did some DPS and biochem so things are moving along... Alright back to it!

Love ya'll!


Saturday, November 25, 2006

Tomorrow hits the teens :D

Last days of classes are upon us - finally! We have 4 days left! They are very light too so it seems like classes are already over! We have 2 exams this week: anatomy lab and histology lab exams. I am not too worried about those so this week should hopefully be great! We have our last mini a week from Wednesday! I am glad they didn't have the mini on Monday like they usually do - so much extra time to study! 10 days later is my final and then I am homeward bound!!!!

I have finished reviewing my cardio physiology and my anatomy. Probably going to work on some biochemsitry and some respiratory stuff... but today is pretty relaxed! Just snacking like ALL day and studying. Tomorrow is the same thing but I am going to go the gym... but that's about it!

I want to think about home so much - shopping, things I want to do - but I have so much studying to do I just can't - at least I will be spending abotu 20 hours traveling so I can worry about it all on the planes, haha.

Everything seemed (sadly) to get better after Thanksgiving. I have never had to be away from home for the holidays and it was really hard on me - as it was on alot of people. Anyway, so I better get back to studying. Tomorrow is now 19 days left so time to really work hard :D!

I love you and will SEE YOU ALL SOON!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thursday, November 23, 2006


Hi everyone, I just wanted to make this post as soon as I could. Just wanted to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving.

I'm pretty bummed out today. We still have class, still have studying to do... I guess this is what I asked for but I am still pretty sad about not being home today. I love watching the parades, being with family and friends all day, eating so much I feel like I could pop and passing out on the same place on the couch at grandmas... None of that this year. Everyone is coming home to Ttown too and am so upset I can't be a part of it... At least I can really be appreciative and truly be thankful for all of you because missing you today is probably the worst day since I left. You all make me so happy and all of your love and belief in me are what got me here - so thank you. I love you all so much and am going to try to study as hard as I can so I don't think about today as much. Three more weeks...

Happy Thanksgiving! I love you all and miss you so much.


Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Celebrating Thanksgiving in my own widdle heart this year...

Hi! Well it's almost here! Classes end a week from tomorrow. Crazy. So much still to do but I am getting so excited I can barely study!!!

Haven't written in a few days but things are good. I had my DPS exam Monday. Not bad at all. We just got a patient chief complaint and had to draw up a differential and come up with abotu 50 questions to put in their HPI (history of present illness). Fun times. But that went just fine. Next up: anatomy and histology practical exam. That is next Thursday and Friday. :D I'm excited for those - of course, I am going to study but I am not too worried about them.

The mini #3 and the final come up right after and is what I am most nervous about obviously! Comes up so quick! Pulmonary physiology is pretty tricky (even though it was my major in college - haha). It is more clinical based so maybe that is why it seems some of this is new and deeper. We finished cardiovascular physiology last week. That wasn't so bad either. I just really have to do as much as I can for that and biochem because I want to really kick these last exams butts!!!

Probably going to work on physio tonight and some anatomy? There are so many things I could study that I dont' know which to do! Anyway, I am SO bummed about tomorrow. I wish I was home for Thanksgiving so bad. I love the turkey, cranberry sauce, parades - FAMILY & FRIENDS. Ugh. At least I have you all for Christmas, right? Ah well, I guess this is worth sacrificing a few holidays... I guess. :-P! Haha... We don't even get the day off class! Sigh... Oh well!

Well, I will write more soon but I have to get scootin' and studyin' if I ever want to get home in 3 weeks!!!

Love you!


Friday, November 17, 2006

I'll be home for Christmas...

Yay, I finally downloaded Amy Grant's Christmas CD! I am sooo excited listening to Christmas music to come home!!!! So yeah, I am listening to that now before class!

Less than 2 weeks of class now! Classes end a week from Thursday! Ooooh and lab - oh my - lab was fantastic! It was by far my favorite lab of the semester! I think it was the perfect end to the semester to do the inside of the heart. We just finished learning ab out cardiovascular embryology (where every structure we have in our hearts came from originally) and to see it in an adult heart and know where it came from was pretty incredible! I was smiling the whole time. Of course, yesterday was the last day that I will be working on my body. Second semester we get a new cadaver. Anyone for the squeemish I'd stop reading until the next paragraph (sorry) but it was so strange looking around lab yesterday and remembering what the bodies looked like before we started. They looked obviously like anyone of us. Now everything is dissected (second semeter does the internal organs), the brain has been removed, parts have been removed in order to see deeper structures. So much has been removed that the person isn't even recognizable anymore. I thought about my grandpa and how he did this and it made me sort of sad but proud at the smae time because it is invaluable to us as students. Seeing the real thing is NOTHING like the books. I stopped reading my anatomy books forever ago because the body taught me so much more.

Okay, gross part over people. Anyway, I was happy to be done for the semester but sad too a little. I know just as we were waiting to get grandpa 's ashes back, that the woman's family was waiting to get her remains back too. So, I left lab only to return next semester to finish up my first year. Silly as it may sound to others but I didn't leave without saying a little prayer thanking this woman and her family for allowing me to work on her. I was and will always be truly grateful.

As for today, I am just finishing up some lecture till noon then heading oer to the gym to get out some studying stress, haha. Then PBL at 3, ugh, only one more left after today - thank goodness!!!!

Alright, well I better get back to studying! Talk to you all soon!

Love, Jess

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Competition isn't always good...

Well I am here in Classroom 1 studying all day/night. I love it here. I am so much more relaxed doing it this way. No one is really here to bother me and I just can be in my own thoughts. I also thought it was pretty cool that I was sitting in here and the scholar meeting started. I thought I'd get to see what they do and if it held any advantage. Yeah, not to me. I was appauled by the horrendous bickering going on. It annoyed me very much.

This is now what I see as my future. Not just the competition of doing well in class but trying to tread the water of all these people in my class that just "can't be wrong". Everything was so nit picky! See, the "scholars" make up practice questions to go over in a quiz during the meeting. I thought that was a very good way of cementing in class material but - wow - everyone had a correction to make to the questions, saying they should be more specific or needs to be re-worded, yada yada... I understand that a question can have many answers if worded poorly but come on. If you know that, the answer can be 'X' if the question means this and 'Y' if the question means that - just just leave it at that. So many people I see just "have to be right", or have to make their point, or have to maintain their ego and it frustrating to me. I am so excited of what I have learned so far and thrilled for what I have yet to learn but this is what I couldn't stand about "pre-meds" in college. The undying ego.

I see myself frustrated in the future, even when I get into rotations because I will be surrounded by people like this. Anyway, I'm getting over it but am definately left wondering about how things will be in semesters to come...

BUT my last lab is TODAY! I am dissecting the inside of the heart! After that, so long lab for a good 2 months! Anyway, this entry is kinda ill-toned and I need to change my mood. So I am going to finish my fruit salad that I got for lunch :) study a bit more and head to lab!

I love you all and miss you so much!!! But I will be seeing you really soon!!!!


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

So Full!!!!!

So tonight was OLAS's night out, like an appreciation type dinner for the board. Wow, so much food. We went to a place called Tomatos, it's just about as close as you get to a restaurant here. Really tiny place that sits above a couple apartments. I have to get pics of some of these places! But yeah, I haven't eaten that much since I have been home! I got grilled salmon, iced Starbucks coffee (how they get Starbucks I have no idea - don't know if it was real Starbucks but it was good), pistachio ice cream and oh yea - VINO! Yes, I had one glass :D Such a tease. But that's okay in a few weeks I can have as much as I want so that was just a warm up, hahaha. But wow, was that food good. Compared to my rice/cheese/tuna/veggie medley that I make LITERALLY EVERYDAY - it was like going to the fanciest restaurant :D!

I really had so much fun though! I'm gonna miss the 4th semester people they have been so nice :). We found a stray kitten outside too without a mother so we are adopting it as our club mascot. We aren't sure if it is a boy or girl so we are naming it after the restaruant either Tomato or Tomacita :-D! Sounds like we are naming it after Tommy T! Hahaha.

Well now that I splurged on some good eats and good times, it looks like it is back to the books for me. Today was pretty productive. Tomorrow is a short day thank goodness so I will be up early and here late to work my buns off! Back home now finally but am looking to be on campus early. Oh yeah trying a new method of going to class - I'm not, haha. Well they air the lectures live for those "scholar" students but I can watch them on campus right when everyone is in the annex. I rather do that because it is too stressful for me to sit among 350 first semester students in the morning. I like having my own space and feeling like the prof is talking to just me! Ah well only a couple more weeks of class so I will just try it out to finish off semester one.

Good times tonight OLAS-crew :) Thanks for a great semester! I had tons-o-fun!

Welp, I'll write again probably in the morning when I remember anything else I did today. I miss you all so much!!! XOXO


Sunday, November 12, 2006

Week 11 here we come!

Morning everyone! Its about 6:30am on Sunday. I feel asleep pretty early last night so I just thought I'd get up early to make up for it.

This weekend has been pretty productive. I got my mini 2 scores back and overall did pretty well. Biochem went up (thank goodness) but still needs to go higher for sure. Hoping everything works out with that for the final. I decided to listen to all the lectures again, take notes and then read the book for it. So I think that will solidify it. Mini 1 kicked my butt in that and was worth a good chunk so I want to do awesome on the final.

Everything else looks pretty good so far! Not sure how my grades will end up overall because the classes continue into second semester. We get a 'progress' note after the final to tell us where we stand but no grades. So, just still working till mini #3! That will be 3 weeks from Tuesday I think? Also, classes are going to be over 2 weeks from Friday! Oooooh yea! I am so happy. I just have to keep telling myself - only 2 more weeks of material to learn! My brain is telling me NO MORE - I NEED A BREAK! :-P

So excited to come home!!!! I got a ride back from campus and the driver had to take someone back home before me. He lived far down the road that I have to take to get to the airport... I was thinking to myself, "Just keep going!!!!" Hahaha, but he didn't. Tease.

Yesterday, I actually managed to go to the gym - gasp! I am sore today:-P. I have done alot of calethetic stuff in my room but I guess not as much as this! I am looking at my coffee mug wanting a coffee bad now but I think me and Sana are going back in about an hour or two so I don't want to get all hyped up on caffiene. Ah well. Water it is.

Today I am going to review more of this week and continue on with reviewing biochemistry. I think it is good that I am starting to prepare for the biochemistry final now. I think it will save me ALOT of stress at the end. Everything else for the final shouldn't be as bad. I have cardioascular physiology in my lap - which I am really enjoying. I went to a great 2 hour review session yesterday morning which helped and he also went ahead in what we were doing this week in class so that way it doesn't seem as hard. I was really grateful. Took only about 20 minutes but I know this week wont' be so bad on that.

Hmm, what else... So what's going on for New Year's guys??? LOL. Ah, well. Alright well I am going to get back to studying before Sana gets up and we go to workout. Maybe I will write again later today - because I know all of you just keep hitting 'refresh this page' ;-) hahaha.

Love you all and you know what? I'll see you soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*muah* :-*


Thursday, November 09, 2006

Class is over in 3 weeks!

Wow, funny to think a few months ago I was posting saying I was leaving home in 3 weeks - now it's 3 weeks until class if over for 1st semester! Incredible!

Tomorrow should be the day our test results come in! I am more excited then nervous but I am sure that will change when I get the email! This next week should be pretty easy. We don't have that long of days, so that is nice. But starting a week from Tuesday - exams start back up! We start of with our DPS practical exam. I'M SO EXCITED! I'm gonna be on that plane before I know it!

I can't believe tomorrow is the 10th... wow. Pretty much today I am in shock at how the time has flied. Today was pretty good. Went to class and then I went to Portsmouth Hospital with some girls from OLAS to give them one of those huge cardboard checks! It was for $1000 US or about $2700EC. I was shocked when we walked in. This was nothing like hospitals back home. There is a bigger one, Princess Margaret Hospital in Roseau but this one was extremely tiny. No bigger than an urgent care center we have back at home. Wards for women, men , children and even ICU were just one small room each. We got the chance to look around for a minute while waiting for the head nurse. Very eye-opening. We handed the check over to the nurses and took a couple quick pics with them and headed back to campus.

Later today, I went to a good meeting on how to study for my USMLE Step 1 exam. Of course, not taking it till around next May/June but can never hurt to know! Not much to do to prepare while I am in 1st or 2nd semester except to follow along with my classes with the First Aid book. That's about it for now. No sense of doing practice questions when I don't know the material yet. Crazy how much more I still have to learn before I take this exam...

Goodness! Alright, well I am going to hit the books! Make sure the clotting casade is solid in my head!!! :D


Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Whew so much going on!!!

Busy, busy, busy is the life of a med student :-P. Busy but so exciting! Of course there are more specific reasons that I wanted to go into medicine but as far as grad school in general - I just love new challenges. I really think I would get bored if I just picked something in physiology right out of college. After a while, I think it wouldn't seem like a challenge and as the years go on I would just become bored. Boy did I pick a good one! The challenges I know will always be there and that is alot of the reason why I know I will LOVE doing this.

Today was alright. I am still drained from the exam but no time to rest!!! I gotta bust my bottom so I can head home!!! I know I will be home so soon but - boy- still so much to do. We have 3 weeks of class after this week, a DPS practical exam, anatomy lab exam #2, histology lab exam #2, my mini #3 and my final exam! Whew!!! Yikes! It was so cool, I bumped into an accepted student that might be comin gin January. She was just here with her parents to check out the island. I walked them to the bank to open an account and what not but she kept asking me questions. It felt so strange! Jessica the veteran? LOL. I did my best to help but I didn't have many negative things to say about here. I told her that I was still on my "high" from getting in, so I loved it here. But then I saw her and her parents again the next day by the annex, lol. I gave her my s/n so if she has any other questions but it was so strange to know that new people are on their way next month!!!

Yesterday, I dissected the thoracic wall. We removed the whole ribcage to show the heart and lungs! Lungs feel sooo cool! :D I couldn't stop squeezin' em! Gross/wierd, I know. Sorry. But we could even see all the damage due to city life/smoking. I could even feel the tiniest of little carbon pebbles in the lung. Very interesting now I see why smoking is bad lol. ONLY ONE MORE DISSECTION! Next week is the dissection of the inside of the heart! Then anatomy lab is all over. I just with PBL was over as quickly. Still have 2 more sessions after this week. Ah well!

Okay it is time to get studying... I'll write again probably tomorrow!

Love you all!

Jessica! :)

Monday, November 06, 2006

Onto the final stretch of first semester!!!!!

MINI #2 is done! I am just going to say this now even though I don't know my scores - but I feel good about this one! I am beyond happy! I had such better timing! The first mini I was pressed for time but this time I finished close to an hour early! :-D Of course, I stayed to go over my 'questionable'. So tonight - I am sitting n' smilin'. I even bought a Coca-Cola to treat myself - funny eh? But it was goooooooooood...

I just got back from decorating for the OLAS/ISA Black and White Party. Everyone, obviously has to wear - black or white - but it looks soooo cute! Candles line the walkways, we made black and white baloon arches, streamers, signs, etc. The fridges are stocked with booze ready to have some fun. I SOOOO wanna go. But still, I am tired and I still say - not yet. Ah well. I am just going to relax tonight and try to enjoy my night off.

Well time for a shower then who knows. I hope I don't end up doing studying or organizing - but I still might. It is hard to just RELAX when there is so much that could be done.

We'll see. But I just ran back home (literally, why I don't know) so I need to shower!!!

Talk to you tomorrow ;-)

Love, Jess

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Mini #2 tomorrow!

Hi everyone! Well it is here - Mini #2! I am just about as ready as I could ever be. Feeling very confident and trying not to let any negative thoughts come in... This test is going to go great!

Okay, I hope so lol. But that is as negative as I get! Studying this weekend was very chill but went well. I am just ready for tomorrow to be over with because then its all working towards the end of the semester and more importantly COMING HOME!!! I can't believe these months have passed this fast but I feel like I have still been away from home forever! I just want to hang with my family and I want to go out with all my friends!!! Oh, how I miss it! Especially now as we are all getting older things are changing where we won't always be having these vacation times to be with each other. I am just going to be so happy coming home! Happy tears all the way back!!!

Sippin' on a cup of joe now just relaxing going over some biochem in my head. I have to do really well on that portion of the exam. So I am trying to settle the nerves on that one. Then there is teh after-mini blowout down by the Caribbean Sea at PBH (Portsmouth Beach Hotel). Once again, not going. Still not quite time to celebrate for me... But it's coming soon. :)

I just keep looking in the giftshop of Ross with all their t-shirts and stuff and think about what I am going ot buy to bring home - item #1 - a coozie!!!! Yes, they have can coozies! Hmm, pink, purple or green... :-P I am thinking purple :D! Hahaha.

Alright well I need to get reorganized - I wish I could show you my bed - papers EVERYWHERE!

Wish me luck tomorrow, prayers, anything... I will be doing the same but hopefully just taking this test slow, well-paced, and confidently!

MISS YOU ALL!!! Wow, I miss you so much!

Love you!!!


Friday, November 03, 2006

Almost time for mini #2...

Well I feel a little better. Been an exhausting week, that's for sure. My moods are going up and down lately but I am sure it is just because of the second mini. After Monday I will be probably THEE most excited person on campus. Because we will be working towards the end of the semester!!!

After the mini, we have 4 more weeks of class and we are done! Classes end the 30th of this month and then we have our mini #3 and our final after that, 10 days apart. Then home the next day!!!

Basically, just worried about biochemistry this Monday. All I need is a little more confidence! Did an old mini today and did just fine in biochem questions so that helps.

Ah well, alright back to it! Tomorrow I think I am going to the library - change it up where I study - plus it is hot here still and I want some free a/c ;-)!!!

Alright, talk to you tomorrow!


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Can't shake it off...

Tonight has been rough. I have gotten a good amount of work done but I just felt so sad. I wish I was home so bad. I have met such great people here but have just been homesick the past few nights - the worst being tonight. I just kept on crying and I know I still have to study tonight. Not once since I have been here and drempt of home. I don't know, I am just a little sad tonight but am going to try to shake it off so I can keep on studying...

I really miss you all so much and know doing this was good for me, but I just need a good day I guess. Just feeling a little sad tonight.

Sorry for the bummer post but I am hoping this help me get motivated again.

Love you!


Finally - it's here! I can finally officially say that I will be done with class this month! I am so glad. Today I got up a bit later than I wanted. But I'll do my lectures and then study all day and all night. Exams start back up tomorrow! First up - histology lab exam. Basically being tested on slides from muscle, nerve, connective, blood, the list goes on... So that will be tomorrow at 1! Then the mini will be this coming Monday! I am so excited - which sounds funny but I am!!!

I'm alot more relaxed for these exams which is good - but worries me at the same time haha. Ah well. So many people are talking about home, new students are just about on their way down here! Ooooh, and they are now starting to take reservations for taxi rides to the airport!!!!! I am so excited! There are some other people on my same flight so we are going to take a taxi together. I think I will be leaving around 5:30am for the airport (4:30am to you - Dominica doesn't do the Daylights Savings Time).

It's crazy to think in a few weeks I will be half way done with my first year of medical school... already! I knew it would fly by but wow! No longer an MS1 but and MS1.5! Haha. I also decided after my 3rd mini I think I am going to let myself go out with everyone and have some fun. After that we aren't learning anything new and have 10 days off to study for the final. So, why not. I've waited long enough! So that will be in about 4 weeks or so I think. So that excites me! Hmm, what other countdowns... Probably in about 2 weeks I am going to stop to pick up my visa so I have that to look forward to!

But first mini #2. Hoping I can kick this exams butt! But for now back to studying as hard as I can today. I probably could have stayed up later than 1am last night. Feel a little guily about that but oh well...

I'll probably write again later today!

Love you all :) See you next month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jessica Lynn

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Not that much of a crazy weekend...

This weekend really isn't as busy as I thought it would be. Stayed up till 3am studying last night, got up at 8am this morning to go to a review session (GREAT!) and then managed to take a nap and lightly study the rest of the day...

Hmm... I feel like I should be more hardcore studying? Ah well, I guess I got a good deal done. One more week left till mini #2! Then working my way to coming home!!! Just mini #3 and the final 4 days apart and I am coming home the next day!!!

So excited!


Fell asleep, its the 29th now, lol. What a pretty day today! Not much going on just looking over some histology slides for my exam on Thursday. Still a pretty lax weekend. Hahaha, I felt bad for not posting in a while but I really don't have much to say - haha. House marathon today though!!! I love it! I love it how I study day and night yet still watch medical shows. Ah well.

Well I am going to watch this and study today - not much time left before the test! :)

Miss you all very much!!!


Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Coming to the end of October and into my last month of classes!!!

Well, tomorrow is October 25th one week away from the beginning of November. Why is this so great? IT'S THE LAST MONTH OF CLASSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

November 30th is our last day of class. After which we have some time off to study for our final but I am going to be so stoked when it hits November. I told my roomies this in August that when it hits November 1st I would start to get very excited - so I better! What is everyone at home doing for Halloween??? Any fun plans? :) Save some candy for me!!!

But yeah, this weekend we leave the 7 week range and head into 6! I can't wait. The more I think about it though the slower it seems to go lol. Tonight I found myself sitting on the balcony with some coffee watching the sunset and the water, but then turning to look at the road I took into this city from the airport and how much I couldn't wait to travel in the opposite direction heading back home. I probably going to cry on the plane I will be so excited!

I am watching the Tigers now... yeah, 0-2 so that's no good. Bottom of the 6th too. Hopefully we can pull something together. I took up some more studying tweaks so this will be interesting. I am a little nervous because I am not as busy as I was. I feel this way is more efficient that I was doing, which is good, but without being JAMMED with work it is hard to feel like I am doing enough. We'll see. It's only been a few days.

I also went to go talk to Dr. Grogan about what I can do for biochem. He is a very nice guy and I am going to go see him again before the second mini next Monday. But this one I am sure is going to go much better in biochem. This week is moving like a slug though. Alot of meetings, classes, studying, and labs. Ah well, only a couple more days till the weekend and then my countdown continues! Next week will fly because I will be studying for the exam the whole time lol.

Well back to biochem studying - more enzyme/cofactor memorizing to do... I hope all is well with everyone - you are never far from my thoughts!


Sunday, October 22, 2006

Quick note then back to studying...

Just a quick note! I am taking off the 'comment' section to my blog. While I am so excited that many students who are applying to Ross and elsewhere find these blogs helpful - I have gotten a few comments that - well, yeah aren't necessary. Primarily this blog is for myself, friends, and family back home to know how I am doing - not for judgement. I got enough from that on ValueMD - hahaha.

So, thanks for the comments from all of you who found this helpful and feel free to IM me on AOL but this option will be taken off from this blog. Welp back off to studying!!! :) As for those who OBVIOUSLY find it more important to criticize me on my life here in Dominica than to study, might I suggest you do the same?

Love you all!


Saturday, October 21, 2006

Sooooooooooooooooo excited!

Wow, this morning was great! So this meeting that I went to wasn't even a club. It was just an idea! But what an idea and I am so excited. This idea was so fresh that we (only 4 people showed up) thought of its name. Our focus is on Dominica and how to improve their healthcare. Hense, say hello to the Dominican Health Foundation! We still have to talk to Dr. Grell to get it approved but who wouldn't approve this?

I am so excited for what we can do for this country and not just for Portsmouth/Picard where the university is. So we are meeting again next week. I feel so great now! I am in now 5 clubs and hold postitions in at least two right now: SGA (student government), AMSA (med student association), OLAS (latin american club), PHR (physicians for human rights), and Dominican Health Foundation! I don't know why but I was aiming for 5 for my first semester. I want to be involved but I think I have a great balance. I have clubs where I can benefit like OLAS and AMSA by just having fun and learning new medical procedures/techniques, while also helping others! I better pass with flying colors here because I am just beyond excited about this!

So after this meeting I went to a review. Wow, it was suppose to be an hour, turned into 3! But it was a fantastic review so I am glad I went - thanks for inviting me Sana!!! Our leader-guy is unreal. He is only a 2nd semester but not only does he do his own work, he watches 1st semesters lectures, makes reviews, tutors, etc.!!! How does he have the time? But he gave me a great idea for next semester to not really tutor so much as to stay with the 1st semester and their lectures. After next semester I have to take my first shelf exam (this exam is an exam put on by the National Board of Medical Examiners NBME) and I must pass in order to be "promoted" to my 2nd year of medical school. But this method would be a fantasic way to prepare!

So, I think I will do that. I am also done with packets now. On the week - its all about the lectures - weekend explaining it to people, myself, imaginary people - whoever! I finally realized that reviewing only takes you so far - the surface. You can spit out the facts but questions never come this way. They come from 5 angles at once and you have to pick out everything that they are saying, go back and recall each of these 5 factors/topics and connect everything together (connecting histology to physiology to anatomy to get a diagnosis). It is so thrilling to being asked ACTUAL medical questions and "Patient presents with..." PATIENT PRESENTS WITH! Hahaha, even that excited me.

Okay, I need to calm down. Matt is getting so fresh and so clean then we are going to make "breakfast" (1:30pm) then we are going to talk it all out!!! I never thought that I would get attached here as much as I am. It is hard to explain because I don't want to give the impression that I don't miss home - that's a given and I still cry about that. But I am going to miss it here when it is time to leave. 16 months here - that's it. Already down to under 14 months to go - how crazy is that?

All my love to the family and ttown crew!


Friday, October 20, 2006

Yet another week done...

Hi everyone! It's about 8:30pm on a Friday and I am all snug in my bed with all my books. No joke I have like 3 piles of books around me, haha.

Well, I checked my grades finally and they turned out alright. Didn't do as well as I wanted in Biochemisty but all others went pretty well! So that was a relief! I'll do alot better on this next one - this one I guess just got everyone used to how exams are. But hey, mini #2 is just around the corner - two weeks from this Monday!

Tomorrow morning it will officially be under 8 weeks till I come home! I am soooo happy!!! Just as long as I kick butt on the rest of this semester I can't imagine how stoked I will be when I get home!

I know I had alot of things to say but now, of course, I cannot remember!!! Argh.

This week's material was UNREAL. I have about 10 packets to look over and that is just from the packets that the professors were nice enough to print! LOL. THERE'S MORE!

But I feel pretty organized now, a little more like I am getting an idea of how things work around here with exams. Tomorrow morning I am actually going to another review. Even before that I have another meeting.

Today's PHR meeting was good! I am really looking forward to working on this PANZI project! We are collaborating with other students in Canada and just to start out we are going to be putting together a presentation about our cause as well as having a movie night hopefully depicting the issues we are talking about in the Congo - such as a documentary or Hotel Rowanda. This is a brand new project and we all agreed we don't just want to be raising money for this clinic but to spead awareness and hopefully one day become involved with Doctors Without Borders to travel to this and hopefully other locations where medical attention is needed. The meeting tomorrow is for another club. Not sure which it is but I was just interested because they are always telling us here to get involved with the island because their heath care system, while it has come a long way - still needs alot of work. We will be figuring out ways to raise money for the Portsmouth Hospital to get them a second ventilator. There are many children that have died because they only have one for all the patients that they see so we are going to be brainstorming I suppose.

But I am so glad to get involved! It really puts in perspective of what my goals are - this! Being with people! Even when my biochem grade didn't turn out how I really wanted - how can that compare when I will be working to help people here in Dominica, who have been so kind and welcoming to all of us, and even people as far away as in the Congo? No matter where the people are it would really be great to expand these projects while I am here - becoming more creative to do something big! I think it is just going to get more exciting! :-D

Anyway, I have to get going! I have some stuff I still want to get done tonight but I will write again tomorrow!

I love you guys! XOXO More to come!

Jessica :)

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Well, it is 1:30am and I am still up studying. Not really an often thing for me to do, but I just have alot that I wanted to get done so I figured - why not? Haha. I just sad outside on the balcony for about 10 minutes to watch the sky. Not storming but there is the heat lighting going on. With my view you have an awesome sight of this lighting just lighting up the Caribbean Sea. So beautiful.

Finishing up reviewing 7 hours of neurophysiology lecture. Woopie! But I am ready to finish this week. Monday and today were hard, long days but I got through it alright. We had dissection today, only 3 left for me this semester! Today was the anterior and medial thigh. 5 hour long dissection. Yikes. But I think my group, as always, does a great job. I am really lucky to have such a great group.

The rest of this week shouldn't be too bad. Just classes and studying mostly. This Friday I will have a meeting with PHR (Physicians for Human Rights). They were hoping people might want to come out for a cause in the Congo in Africa. Here is a small part of what I was sent, in case you are curious:

"The Panzi clinic in the Bukavu region of DROC is set up to treat the medical needs of women who have lost everything. They have treated girls as young as two to women in their eighties, offering a variety of surgical, pharmacological and mental services. While nothing can extinguish the emotional pain that must be endured, the physical needs of such patients are met to the degree that the hospital is able. Of course, such an endeavor is only made possible by generous contributions. This is where RUSM PHR can create a tangible difference! I have found a group of medical students in Canada who, like us, are committed to the practice of medicine in the light of basic human rights. The Canadian Students for Medial Reform, has started a project that they have entitled SAFER (Social Aid For the Elimination of Rape). Through this project they are in constant communication with the Panzi clinic and have been able to raise money for sutures and other medical supplies that are desperately needed. Our collaboration with this group is an exciting prospect and they are waiting to hear if RUSM will answer the call the help PANZI."

This might sound a little dumb, but after watching an episode of ER (Ma, you know about this), there was one about the horrific issues going on in the Congo. Those episodes in a small way opened my eyes and have been interested in it ever since. Well after coming to hear about this cause I thought it would be a good starting point to getting a better understanding. So this Friday I will be attending that meeting to see what could possibly be done.

I am really watching not to overdo it with extra things besides studying but sometimes I just can't help it! This is all such a great experience though.

Well, kind of a boring, serious post but I am going finish up my work tonight and get some rest. Tomorrow is yet another day :-D!!!

I love you guys and am starting to feel the end coming for the semester! Miss you more than words!!!


P.S. I just saw the countdown on this blogpage and just got so happy!!! Sooooo soon!

Saturday, October 14, 2006



I wish I could make it to a game - at least I can see them here! I got chills watching the highlights! Definately going to take some time off studying to enjoy this!

Time to re-live 1984! :-D Man D-town is going to be cRaZy!!! You all at home better go to some games - I know I would if I was home!!! Someone get me a t-shirt or somethin' - I'll pay ya back! :-P

Been far too long...

WOW, it's been a while. But believe me I saved you all. I just have been in a funk from my exam (still haven't checked my score) hahaha, but I will soon I promise!

So much has gone on so I will try to make this not too long but hey, at least it will be interested!

Hmm, where to begin. Okay the test. Well, everyone has checked their scores mostly. Some are happy some aren't. I guess I won't make this into that big of a deal because there are more tests to come and this semester is only worth 45% of our 1st year final grade and plus the test is the reason I haven't been posting so let's move on, haha.

I think though if it goes well I will be on cloud nine. I feel so good here, excited to be here. I am talking crazy medical jargon which I can't believe I am actually doing. Everyday I get a smile on my face because it makes me laugh to know I am doing what I always dreamed of doing. Even last night I learned how to do three different kinds of sutures! Suturing! As a first-year medical student! I learned how to do disconnected (one at a time), connected (multiple), as well as interal sutures (for facial or plastic surgery to minimize scarring). I couldn't believe it. I even learned the different kinds of suture materials and knotting tricks too! I am going to practice today - if you want to learn I'll show you (it honestly isn't that hard but we will pretend like it is so I feel smart) hahaha. Wow, I feel like I have so much to say because this is sort of like my diary and I haven't posted in about 5 days! I hope this doesn't happen after every exam!

It is really raining today! It is funny how now it can be sunny but I can hear the rain coming from miles away sounds so quiet but then it comes toward the apartment and you can hear it banging off the aluminum roof! It sometimes, like today, rains so hard it seems like the rain is actually moving slow! So peaceful though and definate studying whether.

I can't believe I am onto week 7! I can feel the end coming even though I still have to get though a good amount. But it is coming! After this week I will have been here 2 whole months!

I went to the BodyTracker thing again. Went down another 2lbs to 117.6lbs! I was like yikes! We'll see what it is in another 2 weeks but I don't need anything less than that so I am going to have to find some food down here! Hahaha. I wonder if I look teenier? Anyhoo, so I am just working on reviewing the past week as usual. I am switching up my game a little. Everyone is doing their little "tweaks" after this mini to their studying. I am still doing all my reading but as far as practice question, I am waiting to do that till before the exam. The practice exams I did (6) were a joke compared to this test. So I am not sure if I will be doing many of those again but I will be taking both Saturday and Sunday to review now and hopefully watching lectures over again. I realize how much time this will take up but I think it is something I should do so I will (of course watch it on 2X speed lol). I am reviewing alot slower too to make sure I understand. I think that was my problem. I have been reading and stuff to stay ahead - and I was - but I think I was doing all that just to rush and get it done and not really going through it like I should have, so - more time for reviewing.

I am feeling pretty good - even now I am going back and forth about checking my scores but I will soon enough. Actually went out on the town last night! Okay, I went to classroom 6 to watch a movie - but hey - I had fun! I saw The DaVinci Code finally! It was put on by the club I am in, OLAS, to raise money for the Portsmouth Hospital. We packed the house! It was great! The movie was good but nothing as good as the book. The book actually had you on the edge of your seat but the movie figured out all the puzzles too quickly and killed the suspense. Ah well, I just loved being able to watch A WHOLE MOVIE! Don't get to do that too often. How sad.

Well, I am going to get back to it - nice talking to you all and I'll be sure to keep up with my posting... Until the next mini - hahaha, just kidding.

I love you all and REALLY miss you! But the end of semester one is coming!!!

Love, Jess

Monday, October 09, 2006

Overwhelmed. Yes, it finally happened.

Mini is over. Jessica is unhappy.

Coming out of that test felt like coming out of the MCAT - both times. Since we know what that turned out like you can expect how I did on this test. Maybe I am overreacting. But wow, this test was nothing but detail, nothing like the practice exams, nothing like I expected.

I don't even know how to change my studying from here. I tried to make it out of the exam without talking to anyone but that, of course, didn't work. Everyone is talking about how they need to get studying and stop having fun. What do I do? I already don't have fun and have worked harder than I ever have in my life. I even thought I changed my studying very well. I guess I should wait until I get my scores back.

I talked to the president of OLAS, Vanessa about it. She was really nice to talk to me about it. The class average will become the MPS - minimum passing score. If you get this you are 'good'. If you get higher that is great. If the average was a 60% - yeah - pretty hard to pat myself on the back if I get the average. Wanting to get As doesn't seem that easy. Well I didn't expect it to be, but I thought with all my hard work I could swing it.

Leaving the exam I even though about what if I failed and I had to come home. I thought about packing. Doing poorly on this exam doesn't mean that I can't do well in the class but it is such a blow to my confidence.

I don't even know how everyone else did. I want to think if I wasn't happy mostly everyone isn't but there are people here that just have that 'thing' that get them to do well on these things. Maybe medicine was a bad choice in terms of finding a career where I wouldn't have to worry about my test taking strategies lol.

So, I came home did a million situps, squats, pushups anything to wear me out a little. About to hop in the shower then relax for most of the day until tonight when I am somehow and somewhere going to find motivation to work towards mini #2. The OLAS boat party got cancelled due to the weather so I guess I won't be leaving the apartment to help with checking people in there. I guess that is good because I need time to myself. I don't think I will even talk about this with the roomies. Sorry guys if you are reading this but unless you feel as bad as me (even if so) I probably won't be talking much tonight.

Alright enough wallowing in my own pity - haven't even gotten the scores back. I guess that is a reason to be positive but false hope to me is just as hard to deal with as bad news.

Sorry for not being my optimistic self. Hoping for some good news so I can get back to how I was about 5 hours ago. Without it, it is going to be pretty hard to trudge on and feel like I can make it through here successfully.

Crossing my fingers and hoping for a miracle,

P.S. Alright, one smile... :) Love ya'll.