Friday, November 17, 2006

I'll be home for Christmas...

Yay, I finally downloaded Amy Grant's Christmas CD! I am sooo excited listening to Christmas music to come home!!!! So yeah, I am listening to that now before class!

Less than 2 weeks of class now! Classes end a week from Thursday! Ooooh and lab - oh my - lab was fantastic! It was by far my favorite lab of the semester! I think it was the perfect end to the semester to do the inside of the heart. We just finished learning ab out cardiovascular embryology (where every structure we have in our hearts came from originally) and to see it in an adult heart and know where it came from was pretty incredible! I was smiling the whole time. Of course, yesterday was the last day that I will be working on my body. Second semester we get a new cadaver. Anyone for the squeemish I'd stop reading until the next paragraph (sorry) but it was so strange looking around lab yesterday and remembering what the bodies looked like before we started. They looked obviously like anyone of us. Now everything is dissected (second semeter does the internal organs), the brain has been removed, parts have been removed in order to see deeper structures. So much has been removed that the person isn't even recognizable anymore. I thought about my grandpa and how he did this and it made me sort of sad but proud at the smae time because it is invaluable to us as students. Seeing the real thing is NOTHING like the books. I stopped reading my anatomy books forever ago because the body taught me so much more.

Okay, gross part over people. Anyway, I was happy to be done for the semester but sad too a little. I know just as we were waiting to get grandpa 's ashes back, that the woman's family was waiting to get her remains back too. So, I left lab only to return next semester to finish up my first year. Silly as it may sound to others but I didn't leave without saying a little prayer thanking this woman and her family for allowing me to work on her. I was and will always be truly grateful.

As for today, I am just finishing up some lecture till noon then heading oer to the gym to get out some studying stress, haha. Then PBL at 3, ugh, only one more left after today - thank goodness!!!!

Alright, well I better get back to studying! Talk to you all soon!

Love, Jess

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