Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Celebrating Thanksgiving in my own widdle heart this year...

Hi! Well it's almost here! Classes end a week from tomorrow. Crazy. So much still to do but I am getting so excited I can barely study!!!

Haven't written in a few days but things are good. I had my DPS exam Monday. Not bad at all. We just got a patient chief complaint and had to draw up a differential and come up with abotu 50 questions to put in their HPI (history of present illness). Fun times. But that went just fine. Next up: anatomy and histology practical exam. That is next Thursday and Friday. :D I'm excited for those - of course, I am going to study but I am not too worried about them.

The mini #3 and the final come up right after and is what I am most nervous about obviously! Comes up so quick! Pulmonary physiology is pretty tricky (even though it was my major in college - haha). It is more clinical based so maybe that is why it seems some of this is new and deeper. We finished cardiovascular physiology last week. That wasn't so bad either. I just really have to do as much as I can for that and biochem because I want to really kick these last exams butts!!!

Probably going to work on physio tonight and some anatomy? There are so many things I could study that I dont' know which to do! Anyway, I am SO bummed about tomorrow. I wish I was home for Thanksgiving so bad. I love the turkey, cranberry sauce, parades - FAMILY & FRIENDS. Ugh. At least I have you all for Christmas, right? Ah well, I guess this is worth sacrificing a few holidays... I guess. :-P! Haha... We don't even get the day off class! Sigh... Oh well!

Well, I will write more soon but I have to get scootin' and studyin' if I ever want to get home in 3 weeks!!!

Love you!


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