Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Classes ending soon? WHAAAAA :D!

Hi all,

Yes, it has been a while again - sorry! Hmm, where to start... Well I got my mini back and it went pretty well. I nearly was at 3 As but ah well! So, it went well so one less worry. Classes are pretty much over next week, even though we have 'special topic' lectures after it but I'm not counting it haha. Things are starting up for next semester too! Looks like I may possibly be president of three, count 'em THREE clubs: my foundation (again), OLAS and the Honor Council! Am I crazy?! This better pay off later, haha. But I am willing to give it a "go".

Honor council has more work to do - OF COURSE right when things are getting to be "crunch time" but at least it is a chance to get away from studying for a bit. Wow, I am really tired but feel bad I haven't written in so long. Hmm... well the Shelfs are coming up too. These tests are what you need to take to move on from first year of medical school. At least for us. I have I think 5 of them, on top of my mini #3, on top of my three lab practicals haha. So while I only have 27 days left I have about 10 exams to take still - but at least time should fly!

I wanted to write more but I am really tired and want to relax for a few before bed but I WILL write again tomorrow ... ish, haha! No, I really will try :) I forgot how nice it is to vent on here!

I really miss you all and looking forward to coming home soon and knowing I am half done. You know what is REALLY cool? Scrolling down to some of my first posts and reading them. I feel like even though time down here will just never end - I have really come a long way.

Miss you all so much and love you!


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Back to the homestretch!

Well, mini #2 is over. I am hoping it went well - but you know me I hate to speculate. What a day it was though. We had the exam 8-11am. Then I had dissection (of the face, yikes) from 1-5pm then I had a little bit of time to hang out (which was soooo not enjoyable - long story) then I had to collect money at the door for the OLAS party from 12-1:30am. Ugh. THEN, today what's better than an 8 hour lecture day from 8-5pm. WHEW!

Well at least things are calming back down - if only for a moment! Today was alright though, so I am just looking over a couple things and relaxing a bit. The only thing that I have really yet to do is get back into my workout routine. I've been out of it for 3 weeks. I went back again Monday but only ran for a 1/2 hour. But yeah, I feel a little bit soft lol - so I need to get back into it and get away from the Snickers bars!!! Ugh, but they are sooooo gooooood!!!!

Anyway, tomorrow is our fundraiser for the Dominican Health Foundation! It has already started! My roomate Matt donated $50EC! Thanks Matt you rock!!! I also talk to 4th semester girl, who serves on the honor council with me, and she saw my mass email out (pretty professional one) about the foundation and guess what?! Her parents work for a hospital and her father forwarded it to the "higher ups" in the hospital and they said that they would like to possibly get involved with the foundation!!!! I was so happy that someone went out of their way to help out the foundation! Nothing is for sure yet, but she said she will surely keep me posted. How wonderful would that be! They saw everything we were raising money for so maybe they will help! A whole hospital!!! I think that this club could be huge by the time I leave here - and how great would that be!

Well, I am going to kick back and look over my Diffuse Modulatory System lecture! Classes over at the end of the month (thank goodness) - can't wait to get home to you all!

Love love love,

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Oh - hello there!

Wow, hi! Sorry about the delay! Haha, been crazy with classes, all my organizations, and upcoming exams... Had my gross anatomy lab exam today. I think it went pretty well so that is nice to have off my mind! Next up - mini #2! That's bright and early Monday morning. After that - HOME STRETCH! I am actually going to be in the home stretch for second semester! Where does the time go??? That is just great though. I think it should go alright but still got a long Saturday ahead of me.

Nothing much new. Little things as always. The editor of the newpaper here wants to write an article about the foundation so that is pretty cool! Our fundraiser is on Wednesday so I hope that goes well too...

Bah, it is nearly 1:30am and I am pretty beat - just so hopped up on coffee! The internet went out at our apartment so Riddhi, Sana and I decided to come to campus around like 9pm. Well I think we are going to catch the transport back home and my mind is so "blah" I can't remember if I have any new news! Ah well.

Okay, well sleep tight T-town and I will try to write tomorrow!

Love you all! Jess

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Interesting day yesterday...

Yesterday was a different kind of day. While I studied and did my usual stuff I had my first trial. As some of you know, I have been an honor council rep for the past now two semesters and we have always been in the shadows. Well yesterday after 6 semesters we finally had a case to hear out. While I am not going to get into it any specifics it had to do with conduct unbecoming a physician - which is a violation of the school's code. This trial took 3 whole hours. An hour for each party and an hour deliberation. It was so strange knowing that I had some power over another students medical career. Our decision as the honor council committee, as told by our own dean, has always been supported by the administration even if they disagreed. We could go as far as to say he was not guilty or to the other extreme to expell him from medical school, which in no doubt would end his career elsewhere as well.

In the end of it we created out own unique idea of how to handle things. Speaking generally, we ended up giving this person probation until his time here in Dominica was over - multiple semesters. We also agreed to put a letter in his file which can later be removed by our Dean of Student Affairs (who is also a psychologist) if she decides he has done things to better himself in his remaining time here. Otherwise, the letter remains permanent in his file. Lastly, any other complaint or violation is to be enough for him to come before us again and most likely be dismissed from Ross. It was a different kind of punishment but I think good for all parties concerned. Overall, I think our committee did very well. It was just strange policing our own. Who was I to take his future away? Once this person came in defense, it hit me what a big deal it really was.

But again, in the end I think it worked out well for all and finally this committee is back in action again. So yea, it was an interesting day - and I hope that this happens very seldom for the rest of my time here because while it was interesting it really wasn't that pleasant.

As for today, study study study. I am okay on focusing but I am just a but worried about our exams coming up so I hope I get enough down to make myself feel better.

Anyway, better get back to it. I will talk to you all soon! Have a great weekend!


Thursday, March 01, 2007

Back from break...

Wow, how wonderful was last week! I had such a great time in Michigan!!! So sorry for all those I missed - especially my Grandma!!! :( I will make it up to you because I really do miss you so very much!!!) I'll be back in about 6.5 weeks so no worries!

First of all, I know he probably doesn't read this, but Tony - wow! I had such a great time! It was great to be back around him. I was able to go to a couple family things of his which was very nice to be at! I can't wait till next month! I know it will fly - nearly mini #2 time! After that, the avalanche begins! 3 labs exams, a mini, and 5 shelf exams - in a month. Ouch.

The way back home on the other hand was - lol - a trip for sure. To sum it up: 2 delays, 3 cancelled flights, and 2 broken planes!!! On one of them the STEERING HYDRAULICS broke! Ummm, okay American Airlines - kind of an important thing to have... Haha, but I am safe and back in the grind so I am not complaining. Well, I am and am also going to write a letter as soon as I can spare the time to try to get a free ticket but ya know ;).

I want to go on and on about being home but I have to face reality that I am back and have ALOT of work to do before exams start next week! So I better go! I'll talk to you all soon!
