Thursday, November 30, 2006

Dominica - VaCaTiOn?! Whaaaa...

Here I am with one exam down and three to go.

And what do I hear BEEEEEEEP BEEEEEEEEP!!! What could this rustling noise be??? A giant cruise ship leaving Dominica's port. I saw it earlier today during the day but am looking at it now at night all lit up. Such a sight. Sounds like nothing really that exciting but it makes you wonder what the people are doing on the ship here. Are they on family vacations? Honeymoons? Kinda funny because all I wanted to do was run down to the shore and swim to it to take me back home. I wonder what they thought of the island. Did they even know they were next to a medical school? Hahaha, they probably didn't care if they were on vacation. But let me tell you, there were some students here drooling over seeing that ship. We all wanted to jump right on it! It's just about past my window out of site to head either to another island or back to the states. I don't know why seeing that ship makes me think so much. I remember our senior spring break in high school - wow was that cruise fun. But I never once thought about the culture that I was stepping into - psh - I was on vacation!

Well, there it goes... Sigh, that is almost as neat as hearing a plane go over the island - talk about excitement! Who is the lucky people leaving? Is it newbies coming to Ross? Ah well. My turn in 2 weeks right?

So, today went pretty well. I had my anatomy lab exam today at 1pm. It wasn't so bad but the bodies are just about to be cremated and given back to the families and these bodies are in BAD shape. Our professor even covered most of the body so all we could see was the small area to identify! Talk about ruining our orientation of the body. Oh well. Next up - histology lab exam tomorrow at 9am. Working on that now and will probably be up late but that's alright. Then I have the weekend, granted all studying, but it will be relaxing none-the-less.

I better get back to the books but I will write again tomorrow.

Hugs and Kisses! XOXO
Jessica Lynn

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