Friday, September 08, 2006

White Coat Ceremony!

I feel like a medical student now! :)

Welp, the ceremony was really nice. It was set up very pretty with some nice decorations and what not. Good speeches, good times. When it came time for me to go up and have my coat put on me, I got the doctor who was the head of the 5th semester in Miami to put it on me. All I could keep thinkin' is - "See ya soon!".

So 2 weeks down. Actually, over 2 weeks now! I guess Ross requires students to have at least 2 recommendations from clubs that professors sponor in order to leave this island. Well, even before I knew that I ended up going to an OLAS meeting (Organization for Latin American Students). It's like a club for Hispanic students but really anyone could join. It seems like it will be fun and a great way to meet people instead of partying and forgetting their name the next day lol. Welp, out of nowhere I volunteered to be their new secretary so I am now part of OLAS's E-board! That's pretty cool. I met our advisor which will be my respiratory physio professor at the end of this semester - so nice!

First up on the agenda, last semester with some 'get-togethers' OLAS threw (very popular club on campus, I am told), they raised $1000 (about $2700EC) for the people of Dominica, I believe near their capital, Roseau. We are going (the E-board) to go down to Roseau to present the check to them. I think that is really awesome. Also, the Dean of Ross will be coming with us!!! Just like us 7 or 8 people! All of the people on the E-board told me that I will get to know the Dean very well, so I am thrilled about that!!! I am so glad I went to that meeting. It will be a blessing I am sure.

So week one of medical school is done. We covered ALOT, but mostly just the basics. Everyone thinks it is so easy so far, but they just don't understand that they are not going to throw us into the deep end right away. They just want to ease us in. Next week and they next few to come will determine who will sink or swim. I'm gonna swim! And not just doggie-paddle - like Olympic style swimmin', hahaha. At least I hope so.

Well I am all caught up with my work, but the weekend (Friday night and all Saturday) is for reviewing. I figure the way I need to really study can be summed up in one sentence: "Study each week, like you will be tested on the material for that week the next Monday." What a great piece of advice from a 4th semester! So many people here are willing to help in ANY WAY possible. I am truly grateful. I also have to get through reviewing old exam questions, lecture questions and prep work for Step 1 of the USMLE. Alot of my plate - especially for the weekend!!!

Well, time to review everything! Wish me luck!

Much love, your Jess ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know this is an old post, but I just started reading your journal--very inspirational.

Anyway, can *anyone* join the hispanic club? Even someone who isn't hispanic? I only ask because, in every school I've been to, the clubs like the "hispanic" or "asian" clubs were always the ones doing fun events, helpful activities/etc. As a caucasian student, I never saw other caucasions forming up groups to do stuff like that.

So anyway, the point I'm trying to make is that I don't really like clubs based only on ethnic background, if they are really exclusive.

thanks for any insight :)