Sunday, September 10, 2006

Bring on week two...

Well, I survived week one. Onto week two. I can already tell by the required reading things are going to start getting heavy. But, I already have the reading done (oh yeah) so I guess that is alright. This was a pretty relaxing weekend considering I spent all of Friday and Saturday reviewing this past week and today trying to work on mini exam questions and prepping for Step 1. I think this routine will work well! I never go to the library or classrooms on Saturday or Sunday. Just so I can have some time in my own place. :-)

I thought this semester was just 4 classes. Boy, was I wrong lol. They integrate like 8 classes here! So I have Doctor, Patient & Society, Biochem & Genetics, Medphysio, Anatomy, Gross Anatomy, Histology, Cell Bio, Embryology, etc! Yikes! Ah well, we'll see how this week goes...

So many people here are already behind. Alot of people went out, like I said on Friday to party after the ceremony (come on ya'll - you ain't docs yet). Alot of people went on tours, tubing, etc. But I am glad I didn't do anything like that. I'll have fun later.

Went grocery shopping finally so I can make my peanut butter and banana sandwiches! So happy about that. Not like I am ever home during the week - but for the weekends. Sigh, yeah I think I am going to study just a tiny bit more then head to bed. I am more nervous for week two than my first one!!!

I hope all is well at home (I hear the weather is amazing lol). Still steamy here, and will be till I leave lol. Oh, by the way if you want to call the number in my AIM profile you have to make an account with Yahoo! Messenger and 'invite' me. If you have problems let me know but I am not quite sure how to do it either lol. But remember the call is free for you - no charge!

Alright, I really want to type so much more but I'll save that for before class - I'm beat.

Having my first PBL intro class tomorrow (problem based learning) so hopefully I can get a better feel for if my professor will let me do extra work to miss class that one Friday so I can come home! If so, then I'll be back 4 weeks from Thursday!!! :-D

Oh I hope this happens!

Miss you all sooooooo much,

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