Monday, November 19, 2007

Last week of classes ever...

Strange. So strange. After this week I will never be in the classroom again. Of course, we will be having a few here and there for 5th semester but nothing like the setting I have had for my first two years of medical school. Friday I will be bringing my video camera just to capture the last glimpse of us as we finish our last lecture! I am so excited this to be all over and behind me. Just knowing I am coming home 3 weeks from Friday is just blowing my mind!

Today, I am just in class then hitting up the gym before I head home. Most of my studying now is for the COMP exam (which will also help me with my Shelf exams) and the mini is going on the back burner for now. Exams start off next Thursday and don't stop until the day I come home! Tomorrow is our last day for ICM and it will be dedicated to practicing different scenarios they will be throwing at us for our exam. Sana and I have been studying really well together so my anxiety about that exam has really lessened.

So... 24 days to go. Tony and I can barely believe it! I am so incredibly happy how well we have gotten through the past 16 months apart! Finally we will be together again and not have to worry about me moving 2,000 miles away after 2 weeks visiting. It is going to be such an amazing feeling to wake up after being home for 3 or 4 weeks and realizing that I never have to leave him again. Of course, I do have 5th semester but I will still be so close to home, just 1.5-2 hours away from him. So much better than >24 hours of travelling to get to him. Being 2 hours away for just 3 months will be a BREEZE compared to this - so much so that I am not even thinking or worrying about it at all. I will be home in Michigan and that is what matters.

Well I better get back to class, after today only 2 more days of classes to go!

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