Sunday, November 04, 2007

Just about ready to rock the mini!

Studying has been going oddly well the past couple days. So hopefully that's a good sign! Since there is the Dominican Independance Day on Monday, we get an extra day to study and take our exam Tuesday. After that - the homestretch of not just 4th semester but of my time here on the island! It is nearly all over! Unbelievable.

After the exam? Of course, playing some catch up with lectures I've missed - but not before some celebrations!!! I am not going to be able to stay after mini 3 to party with everyone (oh yeah because I am moving off this rock :P) ... so this is it!!! I'm sure I'll get my work done among my catchin' up but then Saturday will be rolling around and my folks are coming down!!!!

2 whole days with my folks are going to be pure gold for my spirits! I can't wait!!! I can't tell you all enough how much it is going to do for me to see them! I don't want to think about them leaving but after they do? Just about less than a MONTH till I am back home restarting my life among my family and friends! I almost get too excited to even think about - it gets distracting - but in the best way possible!

Well, I got home around 1:30am and it's already past 2, so I should get to bed soon! Miss you all and I'll write again soon!!!

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