Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Exam marathon begins tomorrow...

I decided to write this blog on the eve of my bunch of exams when I am feeling most confident. I figure this way I can look back and hopefully get the confidence on the days when I am feeling a bit nauseated about everything - like tomorrow. Well, to me at least, ICM will be my hardest exam in the sense that I am being graded for examining 4 patients. I know that I have it all in my head but it is just a matter of not choking up and getting all nervous. Of course, the other exams will be hard but for some reason after doing an exam like ICM, multiple choice exams seem so wonderful. Haha, well I will have six of them after tomorrow so let's see if I stick to that!

As of right now I am done with ICM. I feel pretty confident I know what I am doing and that I will be able to answer the secondary questions that will be coming along with each patient. We will see though. The exam begins at about 1:30pm but we are all being sequestered in the classroom - so who knows when I will actually get in there. I hope I go first!!! I want it over with! Then, after that exam I have to get my butt in gear for my path lab exam which is the next day. Ah, cramming - how I missed you... I am acutally working on it now in hopes that I will not need to pull an all nighter tomorrow night, but if need be, I will do it.

After that I will have the whole weekend to prepare for my shelf exams and mini. The shelf exams, like in second semester - well, you just do what you can do. It is so much material to remind yourself of and cram into your head that you can just do your best. I am really glad I chose to take the COMP in January. For me, getting ready for that on top of the classwork I have now plus my extracurriculars just wouldn't be wise. So, I am figuring after my lab exam on Friday I am home-free. I will be studying alot but I won't be so pressed for time!

So I better get to my pathology before my last little ICM review. Just have to keep that confidence!!!

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