Saturday, November 10, 2007

Dominica and her good humor...

The day is finally here! The day my parents come down to move my things out of Dominica!!! Oh wait, they missed their flight. Thanks for waiting for my parents American Eagle, grrrrr. Well their two day trip here is now cut down to 1. I am still be thankful for my ~20 hours I will get with my parents but I still wish there was more time. It was heartbreaking hearing my mom cry about it. After all, she planned and planned for this trip and was so excited just as my stepdad and I were. Ah well, what's done is done.

Tonight is the 4th semester banquet so campus is so quiet. I am just finishing up a couple lectures then heading home at 7pm to start packing up bits of my room so it doesn't take very long for us to do that tomorrow... Sigh, what a day.

On the upside I got my mini scores back and I did SUPER well :D 2 As and 2Bs (very close to As but yes, a B is a B :P)! I know for sure that I am getting out in 33 days. 33! I need to get out. I know I say this all the time but I need my friends and family back. It's just time lol. Only about another 12 days and my classes here are over forever! Crazy besides a few classes here and there with 5th semester this is pretty much the end of me sitting in a classroom! Just about time to move up and start working in the hospitals! Sooo weird.

Okay, well time to go pack my things!!!! I'll write again soon hopefully after a splendid time with my folks!

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