Monday, February 19, 2007

Time is sooooo slow...

Here I am waiting for tomorrow at noon so I can head off to the airport! Wow, I can't wait!!! Time is just sluggin' by. I am trying to study but I did this weeks' stuff for the past day or two and just can't work on anything now. I will have plenty of time on the planes and layovers - I'm quite sure of that. I decided that I am just going to go to lab and leave, no more of this go to the gym stuff. Too much stress. I am just looking forward to lab, getting some food then getting the heck of out this country!

I hope time at home slugs by like it is right now. I am honestly pacing the apartment - even TV isn't interesting me. Ah well. I am just glad I am all packed, ready and did everything I needed to on campus and with the health foundation so I am worry-free during my short stay at home.

Well, I outty for a few days here - so I will write sometime later!!! Catch me if you can Ttown! If you don't catch me this week/weekend, I'll be back around mid-April!



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