Friday, January 12, 2007

Weekend is finally here...

Okay, this is good. Week one is behind me. Wasn't too bad but things are going to start picking up next week so I want to make sure that I have a good handle on this week's stuff now so I don't have to use my time next week to make up for anything. This week has been the brain and the kidneys - all very interesting and I really enjoyed it. We had a neuro lab today - where we are IDing all of the smallest structures of the brain! Just an introduction today (that went over about 2 hours!!! ahhhhhh) but I really liked it!

Tonight is the big party night. Earlier today was the White Coat Ceremony for first semesters so they are probably out too. I was bribed by Sana to go out but I ended up turning her down (love you though!!!). I am just tired, dont' really feel like going out (never really do here) and would rather study and get some good rest. Planning on getting up early in the morning to get started! I like getting up early - doesn't make me feel so bad to take naps if I know that I have been up for a while...

It's pouring pretty good - jeeze - I hope the girls are staying dry at Cabritz! Yikes! Nothing much really else new. Already just at 3 months and 1 week till I get home. Seems shorter than last semester but I'll take it! Not sure how the 1/2 way break will work out. I hate saying that I am coming home in 8 weeks and I never end up doing it. Even though I didn't promise I feel like I am breaking one. All flights are just 20+ hours both ways and I just don't know if I can afford that. We'll see but even if I have to wait, I have done it before and can do it again. I'm sure with my new schedule 8am-4pm time will fly even faster this semester.

Ah well. Okay well I better get some rest :D!

Goodnight everyone - dream great dreams!!!


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