Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Nothin' much going on!

What's up!? It just Tuesday morning and I am bored so I felt like writin' a little something. Got my plane tickets! Yikes. Guess there's no turning back now. BUT - there might be a change! I might be coming home earlier and more often :-0!!! I am thinking that I can better handle going down there if I come back sooner than 4 months at a time. So I'm not positive yet, but I maybe coming back in 8 weeks from when I leave! So sometime in October. Then I would come back after that at Christmas and again eight weeks after I start my 2nd semester, etc.

I think in the end of my schoolin' it will end up costing me another 4K out of my loans... but I think it is worth it. I'll just live dirt cheap when I move back - or I'll just move back home! (Sorry Ma and Tim if you are reading this, I'm just kidding... maybe... *wink*) Just pretty much waiting on my passport now and have to go out and start shopping for the rest of my little nick-nacks, and yea - that's pretty much about it.

TIGERS GAME TOMORROW! At least I hope so. Ah well, okay time to hit the showers and start the day! Hugs and kisses! :-D

Jessie-poo (like that one Stacee? Hahaha.) :-p

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