Monday, August 21, 2006

Leaving Friday...

Well, this kinda stinks. The past few weeks have been so much fun but it's just about time to go. I've been doing really good on not getting too mushy but everyday gets scarier and scarier.

I didn't end up getting into the university housing but that's okay. I actually found a roomie for my first semester which I think will be good. We are going to look for a place as soon as we arrive. We are going to meet after both of our first flights to NC. Then we will be traveling together the rest of the way.

I am pretty much done packing. Surprisingly, I am under the weight limit of 70lbs! Thank goodness. I also get my Mom's big suitcase to use and I can fill it with some decorations, bed netting, and pics of you all! :) Boy, I'll need those. Don't forget my address is on this page (I think at the bottom). I'll have to check to see how many stamps you will need, but I'll let you know. I also have a phone number you can call from your house phone/cell phone which rings to my laptop! If I miss it, I actually have voicemail on my laptop just like a real phone!

Gosh, I am going to miss you all so bad. I guess I can just think of it as me going to State for 2 months and not coming home. Yea, that works lol. There might be a lucky soul out there who if they are really wanting to I'll buy a ticket to come see me lol. Or maybe I can meet you all on another island if you go there for vacation. It's pretty cheap for me.

Alright, I am going to get back to all this. I always thought I'd be done weeks ago and wouldn't have to think about leaving - but it is still there on my mind lol. I'll write one more time before taking off. In the meantime, let's hang out!!!

Love you all!

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