Monday, August 28, 2006

Day 4...

Hey! Well everything is almost taken care of. I have my apartment set (except for me getting into my room, that should be tomorrow). Just waiting on my internet to work but my roomie is supposed to talk to our landlord to get his butt in gear for us. Nothing much happened today so far. I woke up and went to get my appointment for getting my computer configured and my registration. Then onto the bank to set up my account. Yeah, that took 2.5 hours! What a line. Thank goodness that is over. Finally got something to eat today - Subway, of course lol.

And now back to the student lounge. This is the best place to stay cool and watch some TV. After classes begin I will be doing this kinda thing in the library. Except studying insead of TV, lol. I doubt I'll be spending much of my time in the apartment except for sleeping and maybe a little bit of studying...

I think I am just about to be on my own, my mom is leaving in the morning before I head out for orientation at 9am. I wish I got my books earlier than Friday (my time to get them), I want to start reading. I guess I can start with the few books I have.

There is a little "orientation" thing tonight, but I am not going. Just like the history of the island and what not but I'd rather hang out with my mom than do that. I'll just start orientation tomorrow. Well, I better get going. I'm going to study up a little to start up for next week! Hopefully, I'll catch some of you online today!

Byeeee! Jessica


Anonymous said...

Wow, you're a medical student and a blogger?! Coooool....

(I try to be one too...)

Anonymous said...

Good luck for future and thanks giving insights.