Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Done with USMLE Step 1!

It is over and it's not sinking in! I am praying and hopeful but worried at the same time. I just don't know how to read this exam or what to expect at all. So, I took the exam yesterday. I got a full 8 hours of sleep before my exam and had a decent breakfast but nothing too heavy. Honestly I was shocked at how informal it was. I mean there was still the signing in, photo, sign out for breaks, locker, etc. but barely anyone was taking an exam in Prometric but me and I had the whole room to myself. It was very nice. I did block 1 and 2 then took my first break, same with 3 and 4 then a break, 5 and 6 then a break, then 7. It went by fast but felt like I had plenty of time to take it. I finished each block very quickly (oddly enough) and with all the checks that I had I had a good amount of time to go back and think them over.

Blocks 1, 4 and 5 seemed doable and I finished those feeling pretty good about them. The rest were a bit tougher... There were QUITE a few that were "gimme" questions. I was sooo surprised! I just didn't understand how they were on the exam! I know there are experimental questions too so when I got to a question I had no idea about, I told myself "Oh, it's one of those experimental ones!", haha. I think though what has gotten me down the most was block 7. I don't know if it was the exhaustion or just a bad block but it left me at the end of the day sad, down and out.

Overall though, the day went smooth - no glitched, interruptions or distractions. I am just overwhelmed now with feelings of failure. I worked hard to get to the point I am at and just thinking I will have to take it again is just very worrysome. I am wanting to enjoy my break. If all goes well and scores are in on time, I start FM July 14th right near my home. Who would have thought that after all the sacrifice of leaving home for school I would get the chance to end up right down the street! Ugh, I just don't know if I should start studying again or what. Very confused, anxious and worried. It's only been a day since my test so maybe I should give it more time but I can't help but think of the worst. I'm just not sure how to read it. I don't understand if there is a curve or not, or whether the gimme questions would even make it a bad curve. I'm trying to think of how many I needed to get right for a pass, like what percentage. So many thoughts and so much time to swim around in them!Anyway, thanks for letting me vent! I will be updating my blog with anything else that springs to mind of that day so stay tuned if you wish! In the meantime I am going to start crazily cleaning my house to keep me busy and pray, pray, pray!

1 comment:

bellocielo said...

congrats, jessica =) u've come a long way!!! Don't worry =)

As for me...I just want to pass the cbse haha =)