Saturday, May 03, 2008

I PASSED!!!!!!!

YAYYYYY! To my surprise, yes it is true - I have conquered the Comp exam! I am so relieved, so happy - I just honestly don't have words. I'm not going to lie, I cried when I got the email. I have been dreading getting the scores back but just knowing this is behind me now - wow, so ready to move on!!! I improved from a 62% to a 69% (approximately a 198 on the Step). That is just fine with me, I am constantly improving with each practice exam and now the Comp, that I am honestly ready to hit the books back up and get working to the USMLE Step 1 Medical Board Exam!!! I am sure that things will work out well with it and I am so ready to get to my rotations and get to graduatin' (okay a little far off lol)!

So now, I have filled out my Step 1 application and sent it in to New Jersey awaiting approval and ECFMG notification to pick my exam date and location! Craziness! It still hasn't hit me that I am at this point in my education - and I really think I do need to do what Tony and my parents and say and take a step back and just look at all I've done. It has been quite the road to get where I am and like I told my Dad, I wouldn't have it any other way looking back. Everything has happened for a certain purpose and has lead me to the life I am living now and person that I have become to be! Time to soak it all in and carry that with me through my next journey!

I just want to thank everyone for their encouragement and support. It would have been so hard to do this without it! From my family, friends, my Tony and those who post comments on my blog - THANK YOU! You are loved and appreciated so very much. So much work and prayer has gone into this exam and it's now time to continue on! No rest for the weary! Haha, okay maybe one more day of funness!

Much love!


bellocielo said...

congrats, jess!!!!!!!!! =D EXCELLENT JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

congrats, now go ahead and rock that USMLE!!

DocDH said...

Congrats! Indeed, 2nd time is a charm. Gluck on the Step =D.