Friday, March 19, 2010

PGY-I Resident Physician in Internal Medicine at....

...Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, Michigan!!! I am very excited that not only will I be at the closest hospital to my hosue that I applied to, but that I am so familiar with the fantastic people and processes that would most likely be quite overwhelming for myself if I were to start off at a brand new place. It is so nice also to just have that weight lifted off my shoulder and constant questioning of "Where will I be?", "Will I have to reapply?", yada yada.

I know I didn't post the day of the Match but even a few days out it feels just as good. I had a small happy dance then afterwards crashed out of emotional exhaustion over these past 4 years. I am sure with my vacation to come after this month, I will be wanting to add up all the hours of sleep I can get! I have been able to get ahold of my fellow residents through Facebook and we have started a little group to get to know each other better! So far there are 12 out of the 37 who have joined in the past few days :o)! They are all so nice and I am really looking forward to working with them. Out of the 37 there are FOUR Ross University students! I am so proud!!! I know we will do an excellent job!

As for now, I am currently (3/23/10) in my first week of infectious disease. I'll tell ya getting the motivation to not just do this last month but get to know a whole new hospital system, people, processes and hospital layout for ONE month is quite challenging. Though I think I realize what indeed is at the end of this month - the END of medical school and the END of my time as a student! Granted I must wait until graduation to officially say so, but April 16th, 2010 - I am calling myself a physician! Then I will have until about the beginning of July to soak it all up!

There is quite the amount of paperwork to be done: first is of course - the contract - and a 44 page packet to seal the deal with busy days of filling out forms. I hurried and got it all day and sent everything out yesterday, as it is due this Friday. I can't see how the resident from outside the country can get it done and mail it in time?! Anyway, the forms are all for limited licensing, controlled substance licensing, health care forms, fingerprinting forms, computer access forms, ACLS/BLS forms... the list goes on. I was able to leave my first day of ID early (hated doing that) and get my fingerprinting out of the way which was the only thing from keeping me to send in my packet. What's next? Yes folks, I am still working on changing my name, lol. It isn't hard but just alot of things you need to change. Basically, I finished the important documents but needed to finish my passport and SSN.

So everything seems all set to start! I will keep you all posted on things as they go! Only about 24 days to go until medical ends!!!


Anonymous said...

Contragrulations Jessica!!! I've been following your column for a while now. (I'm a Rossy and also a MI resident) I'm very happy for you and I know you'll be really happy at Henry Ford. Best of luck and enjoy your time off!!

Anonymous said...

I've been reading your blog since before I even started Ross and its nice to know good things happen to good people. Congrats!!!

Vanessa said...

I don't even know you and I love you. LOL I sat here and read your entire blog for the past hour and saw so much of ME in it. From personality to determination, it felt good to read your "story". I chose the "Match" section to comment on because this is really what we all work so hard to achieve. Congratulations on accomplishing such a major milestone. I anticipate enrolling in Ross next year and you just motivated me more than ever. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful blog.

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