Friday, April 18, 2008

Last day of 5th semester!

It is over. 5th semester is over, what?? And WOOOOO - what a last day! Today was full of learning procedures: IVs, central lines, IOs, LPs, blood draws, fiberglass splinting and more intubations and codes! It was very cool and the simulators were awesome. At the end of the day our teacher Dr. V told us that we were free to go unless we would like the chance to practice on real people! Umm, yeah! Everyone was so shy after the demo and no one wanted to stick anyone - after all the rule is, "If you want to stick someone, you have to be willing to be stuck by someone else." Great rule. I volunteered to go first and stuck, you guessed it, Dr. V and did my first blood draw! Then after, I got to stick him again and start an IV! He was such a trooper, haha. But as agreed, I let my classmate stick me afterwards. I was so happy to have my "first time jitters" done and over with. I feel like I can without a doubt go in and feel confident doing it again and looking forward to it!

It was such a great way to spend our last day of lecture. Now all that is left is my exams Monday-Wednesday, then move home! I am ready to get my last weekend of studying in before the big exam and am looking forward to relaxing with my sweetie before my last go at the books! I should probably get going though - he will be here any minute!!!

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