Sunday, January 04, 2009

What IS Jessica Up To?

I cannot believe how fast time flies and I apologize for not posting for the past while. There is so much that I would like to talk about so I think I will probably break it down over the next couple of posts. When I last left off I was about to do my weekend call for OB/GYN. Of course, being there for about 16 hours pretty much nothing happened! Call was from 8am-midnight and not one delivery. Only by around 5pm were there any screeners at all! Luckily, my resident let me out at like 10:45pm and I was able to get some rest. I had one more call on Wednesday but the big news came in the last few days of L&D. All I wanted was to get in there for the deliveries and be involved in it. Days past and all that happened were C-sections. Oy. Well the time finally came! My first delivery (which I was able to actually deliver the baby) and the next day I was able to deliver yet another! After that week, we had our final shelf exam and I went on home. Ah, how the days flew by...

I know it has been so long since my last post but on vacation - posting or talking about medicine for me isn't really on my priority list, so I hope you understand! It was such a wonderful vacation. I had a week off before starting my ENT elective rotation to start off my 4th year a bit early. This was a more specific rotation in laryngology (the voice box). It was a wonderful way to see more specific areas of medicine and I had a wondeful time with my attending and residents. I really was bummed when it was over because I learned so much in two weeks and was welcomed so warmly by the staff. I will post more on that possibly soon if anyone wants to know more about it! Alas, it was time for vacation. 3 weeks of it. It was so great to be back home with my Tony and Maggie. We did so much with the house - painting, carpeting, new furniture, getting ready for our 2nd annual New Year's party, etc. Christmas was fabulous too and very busy. I can't believe it is already over and here I am waiting to start my surgery rotation tomorrow.

I think I will have to wait until tomorrow to tell you all how I feel about that. Everyone has to do it and I'll get through it somehow but I am not happy about being back. Practically bitter and very emotional about it (what do you know - again). I think if I was doing this at home near Tony and family it would be 1000x better. It is so much harder coming back here to an empty, quiet and cold apartment. I am just so sad again and know where this is headed, back to feeling low and I don't think I can take it again. But what is there to do? Quit or keep going. Man, I wish there was a middle ground. Taking a break though only puts me behind and really just prolongs the inevitable of finishing rotations if not here most likely further away. I hate this funk. After this rotation, I have a month off where I will be taking my USMLE Step 2 CS in Chicago and maybe squeezing in a radiology rotation if I feel up for it. If not - 3 weeks off after my exam then back to Saginaw for my last rotation here: pediatrics. Finally, I will be back to no call, no weekends which will be a great way to finish. Then on June 5th, I am done in Saginaw and back home FOREVER. I will beg whoever I have to in order to stay home for my 4th year and don't really see it as a hard thing to accomplish as compared to 3rd year. After nearly 3 years of my medical education, I can finally finish and start my career back at home. That is all that I want! Please God, that is all that I want.

I am sorry for the delay in my posts but am ready to start off 2009 and keep you all filled in as I go along! Prayers welcomed tomorrow and I am not looking forward to it in the least and can only hope I am kept so busy these three months fly by. Or just fly by without the work (either way!). Here goes nothing...


Anonymous said...

hi there: i came across your blog when looking online for ross resources- i have to take the comp again and am freaking out- i read your blogs about preparation. do you think the nmbe tests really helped you?i have studied everything but did not do the tests bc i ran out of time. i really regret it.

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog tonight, and I can honestly say it has encouraged me sooo very much. I also failed the 1st COMP exam- I made a 61- just shy of pass rate of 64. Part of me feels so down, and wonders how I can get myself up to study for this thing again. Plus, I have alot riding on the next exam- being able to officially set my wedding date and graduate on time. Reading about your journey has def boosted me, and am motivated to get back up and try again. Thanks so much for sharing! Wish u all the BEST w/ your rotations:)