Sunday, January 18, 2009

Onward to week 3...

My one free weekend of the month - and what a relaxing weekend it was! It was so good to be home and to rest up a little. I had one trauma during call Thursday night, otherwise pretty much uneventful. Alas, here I am about to begin week three of surgery. Two calls left this month, one being tomorrow and my last on Friday. At the end of next week, I will be done with my trauma service, my time with the trauma team and be half way done with surgery. Whew. I can't wait. Once I start my 2nd month and get that underway, I will be so thrilled to start saying, "Only 3 more weeks!". Seems so far away but it is coming. Of course, after these two months I will still have 4 weeks of ER but from everyone I have talked to, it is alot of fun. Out of 31 days in March, I will have 16 shifts of 10 hours. Much more time off, no call and truly the start of a much better life as a medical student. The hardest part mentally and physically of medical school will be over and done with and I will be able to focus on all the great things to come afterwards.

Just on the drive back up to Saginaw, I was just thinking of how long this saga has been going. Since August of 2006 I have been away from friends and family, living out of a suitcase, moving from apartment, hotel, another apartment, etc. Granted I have been able to drive home many weekends and at times come home during a scheduling hiatus - but soon, June of 2009, it is finally over. I find myself so excited I can barely contain myself thinking of how strange it will be to use my suitcases for trips instead of another move back to a city that isn't my own. Also how strange will it be to be home with Tony and Maggie, to wake up knowing while my days are still going to be long, I will always be coming home to them each and every night. Just to be back home living life again, getting ready for my wedding, to be a wife, to take spring and summer trips to the cabin, gosh so much...

It is hard when so much stands in the way of getting to that point. Truly though, going back to August 2006 and looking forward to such things would be a bit far-fetched. Now, nearly February 2009 - it is really not so absurb to think of such things. I guess it is all in perspective. Heck even after this month of trauma, my 2nd month could be even better. I know my next attending has earlier hours but as far as weekends and times when the day is finished might be better at times that this month. How wonderful it would be to be an improvement from this month, considering this month thus far has been, dare I say, a pleasure.

As you can see, so much is on my mind tonight as it usually is when I have to pack up my car Sunday afternoon, say goodbye to my man and puppy, only to see them hopefully within the next 2-3 weeks... Luckily, my mind is in a good place tonight which traditionally has not been the norm when I have to leave home. I am hoping in this whole change of mentality, I am seeing the bright, bright light at the end of the tunnel. After 16 months on the island, 5th semester, the Comp (twice), the USMLE Step 1, FM, Psychiatry, OB/GYN, and my ENT elective - and in the near future to be surgery and a quick rotation in peds - collectively nearing 3 years (from August 2006-June 2009), I will be living the life that I have been dreaming of ever since the very day I left on that plane for Dominica. I'm holding on for that day and when it comes, life will just never be the same!


Unknown said...

hi jessica! my husband and i were just accepted to ross for sept. of this year and couldn't be more excited. i have to say i LOVE your blog, having found it through some other ross students' blogs, and how honest you are about your days and your experiences! i did want to ask you a few questions though... 1. do you have any suggestions for where to live on the island? from what i've read you had kind of the same mindset that we will (less "going out" and more sleep and studying!) so i wanted to get your opinion! 2. i've seen a little bit about financial aid on your blogs, do you have any recommendations on how to best handle those so we don't "run out" of money before we get our loan checks? 3. which bank did you use while you were there? is it best to take traveler's checks and open up an acct and everything there? 4. do you have any special "recommendations" on things to bring vs. things to not worry about bringing? and 5. how did you "cook" on the island? did you eat a lot of subway (which is what i tend to see in a lot of peoples' blogs!) or were you able to cook things there on the island? i know we have a TON more questions but if you had time it'd be SO wonderful to get those answered from someone who seems to really have their stuff together!! :) best of luck this year in your rotations!!

Anonymous said...


When are you doing your Internal Medicine rotation or have you already completed that one too?