Sunday, January 27, 2008

Disappointed but ready for a fresh start...

Okay, so the COMP didn't go so well. I missed my mark by 2% (4 questions)... So okay - poor me, poor me - now get over it. I was upset sure- and embarrassed but honestly in a way I think it will be nice to have an extra exam before my Step. The only worry is that if it will throw off my schedule but it shouldn't. As far as I know, I will take the COMP again May 13th and still be able to take my Step by the end of May or early June - so no worries. Of course, it would have been nice to kick its butt this time around but I am trying to think of the brighter side of things. I really would feel uncomfortable getting a 64% and JUST passing because then I really wouldn't know how ready for the Step I was. I know that just getting by would probably be an overall better situation than what I am in now, but I have developed a sudden intense feeling to just crush this test for making me feel all these different ways that I am actually looking forward to take it again.

Now, I am looking at it as studying for my Step exam. Sure I have to take the COMP first but seeing as I will be taking my boards soon (very soon) after - it is better just to look at it from that angle. I will be studying from the time I get to Saginaw until May so the COMP exam will be pretty much my last bit of studying for the Step, so it will serve as a great indicator of where I will stand for the Step the following week.

So, right now I have got all my books together for 5th, my USMLE World question bank, Kaplan's QBook (not using their Qbank) for extra if I want it - it only cost me $6 on Ebay. I am just ready to get to Saginaw and get going. I'm very excited to be staying in the hotel, even if it is more expensive. I am just taking my newly bought dress clothes and a bunch of books! Everything else will be set and I think that is just wonderful. No setting up a new place, just unpack a suitcase and I'm good to go. I love that! I can just picture me and my books now :)!

So yeah, I guess I was a bit disappointed. Tony and I had to put off the champagne for another day - but better days sure to come very soon! As for now, I am enjoying my last week of having NOTHING to do. Although I will probably go through my Bates in preparation for my 5th semester. It's really hard for me to sit around and do nothing and I think I am jsut about ready to get it going again! Yay for staying in Michigan!!!

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