Thursday, January 17, 2008

Another hoop jumped through...

Aaaaaand it's over. The COMP exam was 4 hours and 200 questions and boy I could not be happier to have it over with. I am not sure how well I did - but I am just hoping so badly that I passed the mark I needed. I don't even want to think about taking that exam over... Anyway, just praying and thinking positive.

Now? Just got back from the Cheesecake Factory with Lynn and her mom and watching TV! I will be heading back home in the morning and I can't wait! I miss Tony so much and just miss being home after 3 teeny days. He is sick now with Strep throat it seems and I just hope the medicine he is taking makes him feel better over the weekend. All that is left to do now is relax and soak up some solid vacation time before heading up to Saginaw. It is pretty nice because even though I spent so much time worrying and studying for this exam today, I still have the same amount of time left over to have a pretty full break like I did on the island! Yay for that!

I had a nice time though here in Miami but honestly, I could not imagine staying here. I'm SO blessed and lucky to be able to come home. I am just so over moving and living in foreign places, haha. I am so ready to just settle down and start my life. Looks like that is going to happen though and I am so excited!!! Sigh, well time to enjoy my last night in Miami (skipping parties and watching Grey's and ER instead :D) and wake up to fly back home - where I belong!

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