Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Feel 1/2 way there...

Well, yesterday went quite well. Long story short I will be allowed to begin my Family Medicine rotation on Monday! Why feeling half way there? I still don't know if I have passed my Step! There hasn't even been a chance yet for me to do the Oasis Trick. I feel like I will be soooo embarassed to start this rotation and then fail the Step, only to have to pull out of the rotation and begin studies again... I still don't even want to think about it.

At least I get the rest of this week to get my things together, get the house as clean as I can (cause I know I've been like the 'housewife' lately and I won't be around as much), just getting my mind adjusted to a new schedule. I am excited but confused with my new role that I will have in my clinical years. I'm not sure how my preceptor will want me to participate in the patient care. She is new as well to having clinical students, so it will be new to us both. If anyone has any advice from their FM rotation let me know!

Nothing much else is going on., but I guess it is time for more laundry and refreshing some Bates' in my head! :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica...

I was wondering if you would be kind enough to write a post on the mistakes you made when preparing for the COMP the first time and how you rectified it when you passed the second time. I realize you're busy, but a lot of your fellow underclassmen have read your blog since before even coming to ROSS and we really value your perspective. Thanks again... I hope you do well on your steps.


Anonymous said...

From --

The target date for reporting Step 1 scores for most examinees testing from May 15 through late June will be Wednesday, July 16, 2008.